great work John!!

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Thanks glad you enjoy the read hope you send it to all you know so the truth gets out there

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What an important piece of crucial history and context to evaluate what is certainly the first administration with carte blanche to 8 years of every lever of governmental power.

Although these actors were played and used by the dominant ideology that infiltrated Western government well before even the Council on Foreign Relations. But work was carried out w/o impunity for far too long here.

8 years of silent coup is improbable for a country of any size from the USA to the Vatican in Rome; oddly enough it happened to both which is a bad omen. I remain floored by how the country was under full attack all those years and no one had the stones to do anything about it, no less tell those who would or rather could.

Where did US citizens lose their ability to be courageous and honest? Perhaps they were scammed to believe they had what they have needed far too long

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Sadly history repeats itself when you look at why countries or Empires fell apart it had one commonality called corruption and a apathetic public to allow it to happen

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A thorough-going and bleak historical summation of our slide down the greased pole to Third World-style corruption.

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Sorry for the bleak assessment but sometime the truth is the only way to wake up the voters to see how much they been lied too and played as fools by those in power. Nov is a few months away and each voter has the power in their vote to change this

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