What roles did former Presidents Obama and Biden play in the most significant sedition coup in American history, the Conspiracy, plan to transform America into a Marxist State? This is not just a question for the history books but a pressing issue that demands our immediate attention, understanding, and, most importantly, urgent accountability. 1
How does the Trump administration restore public trust in the Rule of Law if there is no accountability for those who organized the most significant sedition coup in American history? Where are the missing binder documents that President Trump declassified in December 2020 for release to the public of the information implicating President Barack Obama and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John Brennan in initiating the Russia Collusion Conspiracy plan by conspiring with the "Five Eyes" Intel agencies in targeting Team Trump that was never released by the Intelligence Agencies? 2 3 4
Americans need to understand how President Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sold out the country to the Russians by selling U.S. Uranium stockpiles to the Russians and coordinated U.S. Tech companies' partnerships with the Russian government in setting up Moscow's version of a Silicon Valley tech center in Skolkovo, Russia, and Obama administration ignoring warnings to the threat of major technology transfers from the FBI and U.S. Military in granting access to the Russians to our college and Universities research facilities in the U.S. 5 6
The American public must be fully aware of this potential danger. Our awareness is not just a passive state but the first step towards empowerment and understanding the origins of the Conspiracy plan to transform America into a Marxist state. This double standard of justice and politicization/weaponization of the Federal government didn't happen in a vacuum. It was all part of a well-designed plan implemented by President Obama and his ilk in the radical transformation of America; it began after President Obama's election, and its implications are grave.
For the last eight years, the American public has been subject to the most extensive disinformation campaign ever perpetuated by their government, with a complicit media against its citizens covering up the most comprehensive Machiavellian Conspiracy plan ever devised, the Russian Hoax Conspiracy. President Obama and his Administration were the originators of this Conspiracy plan, implemented and planned at the highest levels of government by President Obama and his Administration, the Democratic National Committee (DNC), Hillary Clinton, and legacy media. Then, they continued the Conspiracy plan under Biden and his Administration to destroy Trump in transforming America into a Marxist utopia. 7 8 9
In Today's America, the media, the so-called fourth Estate, has abandoned its Constitutional role of exposing governmental corruption and government overreach by abandoning all journalistic standards and ethics.
Instead, the media has become the American version of the old Soviet Union media platform Pravda in promoting the Democratic Party's ideological agenda of transforming America into a Marxist State.
Instead, the media reported false stories after stories of hearsay after hearsay, rumors, innuendos, and unverified information from anonymous sources as facts—the media's complicity in covering up the crime of the Century Obama gate, the Russian hoax Conspiracy is destroying the fabric of the republic.
In 2011, President Obama loosened surveillance "minimization procedures," lowering the bar for oversight of the communications of American citizens who got swept up in foreign intelligence surveillance. Unfortunately, this change in intelligence collection surveillance procedures allowed the Obama administration to exploit the National Security Agency (NSA) tools, the intelligence community's cryptology and signals intelligence powerhouse. The NSA collects data on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans, which resulted in the Obama administration spying on American citizens and political rivals. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Renowned liberal pundit Glen Greenwald published three articles explaining how President Obama took the foundational tools created by Bill Clinton and George Bush and how his Administration in 2012 used the Patriot Act in response to 9-11 to make a weapon for use in Obama's fundamental transformation plan to change America. 17 18 19
Greenwald exposes how Obama and his ilk put together an alliance of ideologues within the government Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Intelligence Community (IC) with the private sector (big tech and finance) was assembled, in the most powerful government weapon using the power of the state in criminalizing political differences ensuring compliance of its citizenry in achieving its goals. [Note: Greenwald's warnings in his articles came true of how Obama and his Administration weaponized the government in predicting the two-tier justice system and corruption within the Federal Bureaucracy.]
In April 2016, Susan Rice, Obama's National Security adviser, FBI Director Comey, James Clapper, NDI, and AG Lynch purportedly met in the White House to discuss the Trump Team appointments of Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos.
On April 1, 2016, FBI Headquarters directed the FBI/New York Division to open a Counterintelligence investigation on Carter Page, knowing that Page was a CIA asset.
In April 2016, CIA Director Brennan set up two Counterintelligence fusion cells, one at the CIA and the other at the FBI, targeting Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos. 20
These revelations corroborate that the Obama administration's FBI and CIA begin investigating Trump and his team members in April 2016, using classified, unverified intercepts of Russian officials from the British Intelligence Service as the basis for their intelligence probes into the Trump campaign in creating the illusion that the Russians were the responsible party.
The FBI lied to the public when they FBI said the origins of their Crossfire Hurricane investigation began in May 2016 with a meeting between Alexander Downer, the Australian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, and George Papadopoulos in a London bar.
The British newspaper The Guardian reported that in 2015, British spies were the first to expose Team Trump's links to Russia. U.S. and British intelligence sources acknowledge that GCHQ played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI's Trump-Russia investigation, which began in late July 2016. Over the next six months, until the summer of 2016, several Western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump's inner circle and Russians. 21
CIA Director John Brennan testified before the House Intelligence Committee and boasted how he had been the first to alert the FBI about collusion. Brennan stated, "I was aware of Intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons that raised concerns in my mind about whether or not those individuals were cooperating with the Russians, either in a witting or unwitting fashion, and it served as the basis for the FBI investigation to determine whether such collusion-cooperation occurred. 22
In March 2016, President Obama shut down the CIA unit Strategic Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC), the unit established 40 years ago to counter the Russian disinformation threat of interfering in U.S. Presidential Elections. 23 24
Former FDDC officials believe shutting down of the FDDC was a deliberate effort by the leadership of the Obama intelligence community to prevent career intelligence officers from mastering how foreign adversaries – mainly Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran – waged denial and deception and from studying how to detect and counter it. The evidence infers that former President Obama and his Administration did not believe their political narrative that the Russians were a threat to the nation, as shown by Obama's actions of shutting down U.S. countermeasures to countering Russian election interference contrary to the Russian interference narrative sold to the public by Intelligence Community, the media, Senate/House Oversight Committees, the Mueller report, and the Obama and Biden administrations.
In May 2016, the FBI told the American people that the origins of its Crossfire Hurricane investigation began with a meeting between Alexander Downer, the Australian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, and George Papadopoulos in a London bar. The facts show that the true origins of the Clinton-DNC-Obama-Biden plan started in December 2015 when the British Intelligence Service advised CIA Director Brennan of intercepted conversations of Russian Officials regarding Trump.
In July 2016, private Communication between Robert Peter Hannigan, Director of the Signals, Intelligence, and Cryptography agency under the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), and CIA Director John Brennan.
Purportedly, Hannigan told CIA Brennan that the Russians had intercepted Russian SIGLET communications of Hillary Clinton's campaign team discussing a Conspiracy plan of election interference in the 2016 election to taint Trump with colluding with the Russians to cover up her email scandal from the public by tying Trump to Putin and blaming the Russians of hacking of the DNC; while initially a threat, it ultimately helped to expose that there was a Machiavellian Conspiracy afoot at the highest levels of government and deep-rooted political corruption within the Federal Bureaucracy that was threatening our Constitutional system of government.
CIA Director Brennan briefed President Obama on the Russian intercept conversation. Then, instead of investigating Hillary Clinton and those involved, Director Brennan instructed FBI Director Comey on July 25, 2016, to open up four counterintelligence investigations into Trump and Trump's campaign team. President Obama's actions of allowing these investigations to go forward implicated him in the Conspiracy after being briefed by Director Brennan, knowing this was a criminal scheme by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee (DNC) to interfere in the 2016 election by tainting Trump with Russian collusion.
President Obama purportedly convened secret meetings in the basement of the White House with some of his principals to devise a plan on how to deal with the Russians intercepting Hillary and the DNC's dirty trick plan to taint Trump with colluding with the Russians. 25
Former President Obama, President Biden, and their administrations, the Democratic party, their political allies in the media, Big Tech, and those in the entertainment field "Hollywood (commonly called the "cancel culture) have come together to suppress and censor free speech in the public forum to promote their ideological agenda in transforming America into a Marxist State as predicated in 2021, articles by Glen Greenwald.
In December 2016, President Obama ordered the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) review, where the FBI, NSA, and CIA never considered nor assessed Hillary Clinton and the DNC's ties to the Russian government. Illustrated by John Podesta, Chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 Presidential Campaign, ties to Russian oligarchs and government officials, and DNC operative Charles Dolan, a registered agent for the Russian government who was one of the contributors in providing false information for the Steele dossier. 26
What is chilling is that if the 2016 election had turned out differently and Hillary Clinton had won, the American public might have remained in the dark about the deep-rooted political corruption threatening our system and the Conspiracy plan to destroy America. The potential consequences could have been catastrophic, bringing us perilously close to losing our country. This stark realization should make us more informed and enlightened about the gravity of the situation.
After 2016 the election of President Trump, during the first two months of the presidential transition between the outgoing Obama administration and the incoming Trump administration (November 4, 2016 - January 20, 2017), former Obama officials were forming political action committees (PACs) financed by George Soros and other prominent left-wing billionaires, which enabled by the assistance of their friends in the media encouraged federal employees to form overt resistance cells within their respective agencies. The media widely reported that the formation of the resistance movement within the Federal Bureaucracy attributed the movement's origin to President Obama. 27 28 29 30
Allowing government employees to form resistant cells within the Federal Bureaucracy's agencies set the stage for President Trump's impeachment trials and explains where we're at today, with Trump charged with Federal and State crimes. The resistance movement could not have happened without the support of those who joined the Conspiracy within the Federal Bureaucracy.
The 2016 election of Trump was a pivotal moment that brought to light the extensive weaponization and politicization of the Federal bureaucracy. This was evident in the actions of the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA, revealing how those in Leadership positions disregarded the checks and balances meant to prevent political corruption and sedition.
This is a resounding call to action for the Trump administration to right a wrong. By taking the opportunity to hold those accountable for the Crime of the Century of the Obama plan to transform America into a Marxist state by interfering in three presidential elections, we can pave the way for a brighter, more responsible future. The Administration's commitment to a thorough investigation can give us hope and optimism for a better political landscape.
Here, the stark reality is that neither SC Durham nor SC Mueller ever delved into the origins of the Obama-Hillary-Biden-DNC plan from the perspective of a Conspiracy. Mueller was merely a puppet for the 18 Democratic-controlled members, particularly Andrew Weisman, who had their sights set on Trump. AG Barr shackled SC Durham's investigative scope, and it was clear that Durham would never stand a chance in the District of Colombia, given the corrupt judges, a prejudiced jury pool that predominantly voted Democrat and the deep-seated animosity towards Trump.
These limitations underscore the need for a more thorough and comprehensive approach, essential for ensuring justice and restoring public trust.
However, in his investigative findings and court filings, Durham established and fulfilled all the elements required for the crime of Conspiracy under 18 USC 371, providing a comprehensive understanding of the situation.
The only path to holding those responsible for the Crime of the Century is through the lens of a genuine conspiracy investigation, starting from the roots and extending to the final overt act. The gravity of the situation necessitates nothing less than a thorough investigation. It's not just a matter of justice but a vital step towards restoring faith in our political and legal systems.
This past election gives Trump a mandate to end the weaponization, politicization, and resistance movement within the Federal Bureaucracy in cleansing the government of this cancerous radical ideology wherein unelected bureaucrats believe they can violate their oath of office and the law by obstructing Presidential authority with no consequences.
References and Citations
GAI Report: Hillary Gave Russia Advanced Hacking and Nuclear Capabilities - Jellyfish.NEWS
FBI warns Mass. tech firms about Russian investors - The Boston Globe
Latest revelations show Team Obama invented RussiaGate scandal (nypost.com)
House intel transcripts show top Obama officials had no 'empirical evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion | Fox News
https://themarketswork.com/2018/04/05/ the-uncovering-mike-rogers-investigation-section-702-fisa-abuse-the-fbi
Report: FBI Conducted Millions of American Data Searches Last Year Without a Warrant | Newsmax.com
https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/07/08/Day Two - The Fourth Branch of Government, The Intelligence Branch/
Larry C. Johnson: John Brennan's Secret CIA Trump Task Force | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia | GCHQ | The Guardian
Brennan and the 2016 Spy Scandal - WSJ
US capability to combat foreign deception was shut down, but nobody can explain why - Center for Security Policy
The Steele Dossier & the Intelligence Community Assessment (themarketswork.com)
Insiders: Obama Holdover 'Shadow Government' Plotting to Undermine Trump (breitbart.com)
Inspector General Report Proves Obama Was Neck Deep In Russian Hoax – Red Right Daily
[Note: This analysis was created by a former Retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent John Seaman with over 30 years’ experience conducting complex conspiracy investigations. Seaman is the co-author of an article Taliban Include Heroin Kingpins in Leadership - by Gretchen Peters and John Seaman - SpyTalk and author of Ideology and Political Correctness Trump Reality and reference in article The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban - POLITICOPOLITICO]