This article aims to educate the public's right to know the truth by highlighting the government's efforts to hide the truth so that the American public can make an informed decision before voting for the 2024 Presidential election in choosing which path America should go—Freedom or Tyranny. The public's right to the truth is a fundamental principle of democracy and journalism. 1
From 2016 to the present day, the American public has been exposed to the biggest cover-up in American history by a convergence of a corrupt government with complicit media, big tech, and big business in hiding the truth from the American public about the Crime of the Century, the Russia, Russia hoax Conspiracy and the Biden pay for play influencing scheme.
Today we live in a divided country where one half believes the other half is a threat to democracy, where there is a dual justice system in how the law is applied.
One where those in power ignore the Constitution by criminalizing political differences and selectively using the state's power against its political opponents using the Russian Joseph Stalin's reign of terror tactic, the Lavrentiy Beria modus operandi, "Show me the man, and I will show you the crime." Beria was the longest-serving secret police chief and Deputy Premier under Stalin. Beria first targeted "the man" and then found or fabricated the crime.
The government has used overclassifying information to thwart the public's right to know, preventing the public from learning the truth of this well-designed conspiracy plan to destroy America.
Overclassification prevents the public from making an informed decision on which path the nation should take in the 2024 POTUS election of demanding accountability and responsiveness from their government to protect their Constitutional rights.
The media, the so-called fourth Estate, has abandoned its Constitutional role of exposing governmental corruption and government overreach by throwing away all journalistic standards and ethics in exposing their complicity in taking direction from the Democratic party, Obama and Biden administrations in suppressing and censoring free speech in the public forum to promote their ideological agenda of transforming America into a Marxist State. Unfortunately, the media has failed to do their due diligence in reporting the facts. Instead, they report false stories after stories of hearsay after hearsay, rumors, innuendos, and unverified information from anonymous sources as facts. The media efforts divided Americans with a total disregard for the adverse consequences to National Security and the Rule of Law.
None of this could have moved forward or succeeded without the assistance of the American media in enabling these co-conspirators to carry out their efforts to destroy the Trump Presidency. Despite the evidence and facts after seven years, the media's role continues to cover up the CRIMINALITY by Hillary, Obama, Biden, and the DNC in their Machiavellian conspiratorial agreement to interfere in the 2016, 2020, and now 2024 presidential elections. 2 3
It is a forbidden story that no one in the Washington, DC, establishment wants to acknowledge or allow the American people to see the truth of how unelected bureaucrats within the government with the media lied, manipulated information, and implemented the plan to cover up criminal actions by those in power to change America based on their radical ideology, without considering opposing views.
There are five "threads" to this story that, in its telling, the public needs to know before voting in the 2024 election about the cover-up and the whitewash:
From the 2016 Presidential Election to the present, the American public has been subjective to various well-designed themes of disinformation and suppression campaigns as illustrated by the numerous versions of the "Big Lie Theory," Russia, Russia, Russia, America is a systemically racist country and that the greatest threat to the country is white supremacy. These efforts have made the public confused and desensitized that the public can no longer separate the lies from the truth.
Contrary to the left's continuation of the "Big Lie" theory of the Trump-Russian collusion hoax by the media and unelected bureaucrats within the former Obama and current Biden administrations, both Special Counsels Mueller and Durham investigation findings were exculpatory. The Mueller investigation determined that Trump and individuals associated with the Trump campaign did not conspire or coordinate with the Russian government. Durham's investigation reaffirmed Mueller's findings and established that neither the FBI nor Intelligence Agencies had evidence of Trump or his team colluding with the Russians. In Brennan's interview with Durham, Brennan clearly stated to Durham that he found no evidence of collusion between Trump and his campaign and Russian authorities. Nevertheless, most Democrats, some Republicans, and independents voters still believe Trump colluded with the Russians and was an illegitimate President.
"It is now clear that neither William Barr nor John Durham ever intended to look at and investigate the wrongdoings of the Democratic operatives in the Russian Collusion Hoax perpetrated against former President Trump as what those wrongdoings are—Federal crimes for the proof of which there is a mountain of evidence. Rather, from the beginning, Barr and Durham essentially tipped their hand and revealed that they had decided to protect the corrupt system in D.C., essentially colloquially referred to as "The Swamp," by casting their "investigation" and its outlook as an administrative inquiry of traditional political dirty tricks rather than a real investigation of Federal crimes; in doing this, Barr and Durham sought to protect, and did protect, the "good old boy network" of politics-as-usual that is the corrupt political system in D.C.; in that system, it is an unwritten goal to protect each other first and foremost, avoiding open warfare which is often required when important policies and principles are at stake." In failing to undertake a real investigation to its logical conclusion and prosecution of the Federal crimes committed by those who manufactured and conspired to manufacture the Russian Collusion Hoax, Barr and Durham deceived the public and thwarted an honest search for the truth.
The Senate Intelligence Oversight 4 and The Mueller5 investigations never investigated nor determined the roles Professor Mifsud's6 and friendly foreign intelligence played in the Russian hoax Conspiracy,7 nor addressed the conflicting statements by Mifsud to Mueller investigators denying he told Papadopoulos that the Russians had Hillary emails. Lastly, the Senate Intelligence and the Mueller investigations failed to investigate the scope and extent of the Russian ties between John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Charles Dolan, Christopher Steele, and Bruce Ohr, of their relationships with Russian oligarchs and Russian government officials. Reaffirming the double standard regarding Democrats' criminality is ignored by the FBI and DOJ. However, when it comes to Trump and Republicans, no stone is left unturned.
Durham’s investigation findings8 determined that the FBI Crossfire investigation was never legally predicated, which refuted the DOJ December 2019 report findings. The fact that FBI and CIA could not resolve whether Igor Danchenko was a Russian Intelligence Agent, as Danchenko was Steele's primary sub-source for the dossier. Danchenko was the subject of an FBI Baltimore office espionage investigation in 2010, and the FBI determined that Danchenko had ties to the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS). In March 2011, the FBI closed its investigation, believing Danchenko had left the country to return to Russia. However, Danchenko never left the country but stayed in Virginia. Durham found that the FBI never considered the possibility that the information Danchenko provided to Steele in whole or in part was Russian disinformation, even those the two FBI case agents said Danchenko had ties to RIS. In 2017, the FBI made Danchenko a paid informant and hid his identity from Congress and the public despite the FBI Source Coordinator saying that Danchenko was probably a Russian double agent. The Durham investigation also uncovered the relationship between Danchenko and Charles Dolan, a DNC operative and Registered Agent for the Russian Federation. Dolan provided the fake pee information to Danchenko, which became part of the Steele dossier. Lastly, Durham found that Deputy FBI Director McCabe restricted the FBI investigations into the Clinton Foundation of pay for play scheme. 9
July 24, 2020, Real Clear investigations reported in March 2013 — three years before Danchenko began working on the dossier — federal authorities in Greenbelt, Md., arrested and charged him with several misdemeanors, including “drunk in public, disorderly conduct, and failure to have his [2-year-old] child in a safety seat,” according to a court filing. The U.S. prosecutor for Maryland at the time was Rob Rosenstein, whose name appears in the docket filings. According to Real Clear investigations court records show that Danchenko was born in Russia and was living in the U.S. on a work visa. The records noted Danchenko was released from jail on the condition he undergo drug testing and “participate in a program of substance abuse therapy and counseling,” as well as “mental health counseling,” the records show. His lawyer asked the court to postpone his trial and let him travel to Moscow “as a condition of his employment.” The Russian trips were granted without objection from Rosenstein. Danchenko ended up several months later entering into a plea agreement and paying fines. In March 2011, the FBI closed its investigation, believing Danchenko had left the country to return to Russia. However, Danchenko never left the country but stayed in Virginia. So why wasn’t the FBI notified of Danchenko arrests in March 2013? and how does Danchenko under investigation for espionage by the FBI obtain a work visa? Durham stated the FBI could not resolve whether Igor Danchenko was a Russian Intelligence Agent, yet here you have records that Danchenko was arrested in Maryland and the Federal Prosecutor was Rod Rosenstein, Acting Attorney General who appointed a SC to investigative Trump in June 2017.
The salient point for the public to understand here is that this was a frame-up job by those involved in the Conspiracy using Danchenko, a suspected Russian RIS asset, as the foil to deceive the public into believing the Russians were the responsible party behind both the Hillary Clinton and DNC server breaches. The actions of the implementors of the scheme provide the reasons why they did what they did:
To distract the public attention by covering up Hillary's criminality of having Classified information and incriminating information about the Clinton Foundation pay for Play scheme on her server.
Prevent public embarrassment that DNC head John Podesta succumbed to a cyber phishing email attack by an unknown party that happens daily to the average American. By opening up an email from an unknown entity, Podesta allowed the cyber attackers access to his and the DNC's server. If Podesta had followed standard security practices by not opening up the email from an unknown sender, he would have prevented the phishing attack on the DNC from occurring.
The facts show no evidence that the Russians had breached both servers. The breaches were media speculation and, in the case of the DNC, based upon claims put out by CrowdStrike, the private cyber security company who conducted the breach investigation into the DNC servers told the media in June 2016 that the Russians were behind the hack of the DNC which turned out to be false.
In early April 2016, Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos were the targets of both the FBI and CIA investigations, as illustrated by the fact that FBI Headquarters directed the FBI/New York Division to open up a CI investigation on Carter Page, a CIA asset; that CIA Director Brennan set up two CI intelligence fusion cells, one at the CIA and the other at the FBI targeting Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos and that purportedly there was a meeting in the White House between Rice, Comey, Clapper and Lynch discussing the Trump Team appointments of Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos. 10
The salient point is to highlight here the vaulted FBI, the premier LE agency in the world, conducting an espionage investigation of a suspected Russian Spy, Igor Danchenko, in 2010. Then, the FBI closed the case in 2011 because they thought he left the country. Only Danchenko got arrested in Maryland on Federal property for DUI in 2013, and the prosecutor was Rod Rosenstein. Moreover, the FBI needs to learn where he is. However, Danchenko a suspected Russian spy somehow gets a visa and stays in the country, becoming the guy who provided all the disinformation to Steele for the dossier. Is the FBI oblivious to the espionage investigation? Furthermore, Dolan, a DNC operative, is a registered agent for the Russian Federation who provides pee information to Danchenko that becomes part of the dossier, and no one investigates Dolan.
All these efforts by the Conspirators were to hide their criminality from the public by giving the appearance that the Russians were the responsible party to hide their overt criminal acts as listed as follows:
Manufacturing of cyber data, as illustrated in the Alfa Bank matter, to show that Trump was communicating with the Russians via Alfa Bank.
The creation of the False Narrative in the Steele dossier promotes the "Big Lie" that Trump had Russian Organized Crime Associations and was a puppet for Putin.
FBI lied to the FISC, leaving out information in the application that the subject of the warrant was a CIA asset in order to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his team.
Fabrication of the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) report in combination with the Steele Dossier were the fact documents used by the Obama administration to deceive the public giving the appearance that there was consensus among all 17 intelligence agencies in the Intelligence Community that "Vladimir Putin ordered" the hacking and leaking of Clinton campaign emails "to help Trump's chances of victory." The ICA did not reflect the intelligence community's consensus as DNI Clapper decided not to put the assessment out to all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies for review. Instead, the assessment analysis input was limited to a couple dozen chosen analysts from three agencies — the CIA, NSA, and FBI. FBI Comey and McCabe said President Obama wanted all FBI information regarding the Steele Dossier included in the ICA, which is why the FBI pushed for the inclusion of the Steele Dossier into the body of the ICA. CIA Director Brennan disagreed, and the dossier was left out in the body of the report and instead put into the Annex A of the ICA. Conflicting testimony by CIA Director Brennan has sworn the dossier was not "in any way" used as a basis for the ICA, which conflicts with NSA Director Rogers's testimony. Rogers stated that the dossier was "added" as an "appendix to the ICA draft" and that consideration of that appendix was "part of the overall ICA review/approval process." That the dossier did factor in, Rogers has testified that while he was sure the Russians wanted to hurt Clinton, he was not as confident as CIA and FBI officials that the Russian actions were to help Trump. Rogers explained that such an assessment "did not have the same level of sourcing and the same level of multiple sources."
Infamous White House meeting on January 5, 2017, between President Obama, Vice President Biden, Acting AG Sally Yates, FBI Director Comey, and Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice, discussing withholding information from President Trump that he and members of his team were under investigation and the actions of FBI leadership in manufacturing perjury charge against General Flynn.
The bottom line is that there is no doubt that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election, intending to undermine public faith in the democratic process. As the Russians have been doing this for the last 40 years and were the reason for establishing the Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) unit at the CIA in the early 80s, after the warnings of former Soviet KGB colonel Anatoliy Golitsyn of a Russian "strategic disinformation offensive" from Moscow in undermining the public faith in its institutions.11
Obama's DNI Clapper said the meddling by the Russians in our election system posed a grave threat to our very political fabric, which raises the question, if the Russians were such a threat, then: Why did President Obama shut down the Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) in March 2016? 12 13
The FBI sold the country a bill of goods that Trump colluded with the Russians, saying a bar meeting in May 2016 between Papadopoulos and the Australian Ambassador was the investigation's origin.
The conspirators used two fabricated documents, the Steele dossier and ICA, as their fact documents to promote the ruse to deceive the public that the Russians are a grave threat to the country.
However, it does not match up with the actions Obama took of dismantling the Unit responsible for countering the Russian threat in March 2016, a month before the Obama admin began targeting Team Trump in early April 2016, two months before the bar meeting, and then in August 2016 telling Intelligence Community to stand down on countering Russian cyber attacks. Moreover, no one in the media or the public is curious or wondering how this occurs.
President Obama and his administration did not believe their political narrative of the Russian threat by shutting down the FDDC, giving credence to Obama's direct involvement in the Conspiracy by allowing the implementation of the Hillary/DNC plan before the 2016 POTUS election. Furthermore, after Hillary lost, Obama and his administration began their media disinformation campaign of using the Steele dossier and ICA in furtherance of the agreement as part of the Russian election interference narrative information in deceiving the public by promoting the allegations of "Russian subversion" and "collusion" among Trump and his associates to destroy the Trump Presidency.
As far as Putin preferred Hillary over Trump, it does not pass the smell test. Just look at President Obama and Hillary Clinton's roles in setting up the Russian version of Silicon Valley in assisting the Russian government in enhancing their cyber capabilities and providing the Russians access to U.S. research universities and private tech companies. When Hillary was Secretary of State in a reboot of US-Russian relations worked with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-President Dmitri Medvedev, to create U.S. technology partnerships with Moscow's version of Silicon Valley, a sprawling high-tech campus known as Skolkovo. This relationship resulted in the Russians developing a hypersonic weapon missile system. Reporter John Solomon noted that in 2014, the FBI sent letters warning several U.S. technologies companies that had become entangled with Skolkovo that they risked possible espionage and "may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation's sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application. Solomon purported that the evidence shows the Clintons financially benefited from Russia — personally and inside their charity — while they were involved in U.S. government actions that rewarded Moscow and increased U.S. security risks.14
The dissenting analysts involved in the ICA found that Moscow preferred Clinton because it judged she would work with its leaders. In contrast, it worried Trump would be too unpredictable. As secretary of state, Clinton tried to "reset" relations with Moscow to move them to a more positive and cooperative stage, while Trump campaigned on expanding the U.S. military, which Moscow perceived as a threat. 15
Obama administration officials testified there was no evidence of Russian-Trump collusion. However, Clapper, Brennan, and Victoria Nuland promoted the big lie theory of Trump-Russian collusion to the public. The fact that the media ignored that Obama had shut down U.S. efforts against Russian cyberattacks during the summer of 2016 gives credence that they were complicit in promoting the big lie of Trump-Russian collusion.
The actions of those involved in promoting the Big lie of Trump-Russian collusion established a pattern of working together with others for the common purpose of carrying out the DNC/Hillary plan to taint Trump with colluding with the Russians in order to deceive the American public by using Russian disinformation in a disinformation media campaign with selected members of the American media to obstruct and sabotage the Executive branch of government is consistent with meeting the threshold element "the Conspiratorial agreement," of the crime of Conspiracy in obstructing the Office of the Executive Branch.
The IRS Whistleblowers who were the Supervisory agents on the Hunter Biden tax investigation and considered the experts by the Prosecutors on the case in collecting evidence and connecting the dots through their testimony, alleged that DOJ Prosecutors interfered in their investigation and that the Prosecutors would not let the agents pursue Hunter tax crimes and tipped off Hunter of impending searches and interviews. It is now apparent that these Whistleblowers played a role in stopping the DOJ from allowing a plea deal agreeing to end the IRS investigation without requiring a guilty plea from Hunter on any future charges. 16
The fact that the expertise of the investigating agents played a role in halting a miscarriage of justice is the same analogy used in the analysis of the Russian Collusion hoax Conspiracy, using 30 years of expertise in conducting conspiracy investigations for Federal prosecutions playing the role of explaining to the public how this was a well-designed scheme to destroy a President. 17 18
In less than 15 months, American citizens will be making the most important decision since the consequential election of 1860, which resulted in the Civil War and the abolition of slavery.
The Congressional Oversight Committee can provide some clarity in the search for the truth of public's right to know the truth before voting in the 2024 Presidential election by asking and getting answers to the following questions and demanding the declassification of the following listed documents:
Why did President Obama shut down the Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) in March 2016?
Why did President Obama, in August 2016, ignore warnings by the US Intelligence Community at the height of increased Russian cyber threats by issuing a stand-down order for US Intelligence agencies to counter Russian cyber-attacks if the Russians were the threat? 19 20
Why did not SC Durham or SC Mueller interview Former CIA Director Brennan on why Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Charles Dolan, and Christopher Steele's associations with the Russians and Russian oligarchs were not part of the ICA assessment?
Why did President Obama allow these FBI investigations on Team Trump to go forward after being briefed by Director Brennan if Obama knew this was a criminal scheme by the Clinton campaign and DNC to taint Trump with Russian collusion?
Release and declassify the originating "Electronic Communication" that Brennan sent to Comey asking for Comey to open up the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigations into Team Trump. 21 22
Release and declassify a January 2017 private communique to the incoming Trump administration from Britain's top national security official SIR MARK LYALL GRANT, addressing his country's participation in the counterintelligence probe into the now-debunked Trump-Russia election collusion. 23
Grant January 2017 memo is documentary evidence of how the FBI and CIA hierarchy violated US laws using SIGNET information passed by foreign friendly intelligence services in circumventing Federal Privacy laws in spying on their behalf on members of the Trump Team as part of a nefarious dirty trick plan by Hillary Clinton & the DNC and promoted by President Obama in a disinformation media campaign after President Trump election to obstruct the Trump Presidency.
Grant memo establishes the fact that there was friendly foreign intelligence service interference by the “Five Eyes,” in the 2016 POTUS election. Grant memo shows how British Intel were the origins in 2015, of the Trump Russian hoax investigations as reported by the British Newspaper the Guardian in April 2017.
Grant memo needs to be declassified in holding those accountable for their actions to prevent future weaponization of SIGNET being passed by friendly foreign intelligence services and used for nefarious political purposes by corrupt US officials.
Release and declassify the Congressional interview of a former NSC staffer who claimed to have read the memo in Flynn's office and that the document contained an explanation from Grant that British authorities assisted the early United States investigation into Trump-Russia collusion and later concluded Steele's intelligence was unreliable.
Release the Congressional timetable of who saw and handled the document in Flynn's office and confirm with a British government official that Grant sent a memo to Flynn in January 2017.
Release and declassify all of the Comey memos that document the investigative steps taken by the FBI as an outcome of the operation coordinated by CIA Director John Brennan in early 2016. 24
Reveal November 2015 through April 2016 FISA-702 search query abuse by declassifying the April 2017 court opinion written by FISC Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer. Showing the FBI contractors behind 85% of fraudulent search queries. 25
References and Citations
report_volume5.pdf (
Read the full Mueller report | CNN Politics
Confirmation - Bill Barr and John Durham Listened to Mifsud Audio-Tape Deposition in Italy... - The Last Refuge (
READ IN FULL: Special counsel John Durham's final 306-page report | Washington Examiner
The case for Russia collusion … against the Democrats | The Hill
Larry C. Johnson: John Brennan's Secret CIA Trump Task Force | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
The case for Russia collusion ... against the Democrats | The Hill FBI warns Mass. tech companies on Russian investors - News - - Worcester, MA
Secret Report: How CIA's Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary | RealClearInvestigations
ACCOUNTABILITY - by John Seaman (
Jay Sekulow: "Three" FISA Applications Were Denied in 2016 and What This Means... - The Last Refuge (
July 31, 2016 - The "insurance policy", the “EC”, the FBI counterintel operation, and the informant who originates Brennan’s EC - The Clinton Foundation Timeline
Did Brits warn about Steele’s credibility, before Mueller’s probe? Congress has evidence | The Hill
Jay Sekulow: "Three" FISA Applications Were Denied in 2016 and What This Means... - The Last Refuge (
2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf (
[Note: This analysis was created by a former Retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent John Seaman with over 30 years’ experience conducting complex conspiracy investigations. Seaman is the co-author of an article Taliban Include Heroin Kingpins in Leadership - by Gretchen Peters and John Seaman - SpyTalk and author of Ideology and Political Correctness Trump Reality and reference in article The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban - POLITICOPOLITICO]