The findings in the Durham report, 1 2 allegations made by the FBI and IRS whistleblowers, 3 4 5 6 release of the Twitter files 7 and a lawsuit filed by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt 8 exposed the greatest cover-up in U.S. History, in which the Obama and Biden administrations, Big Tech, the media and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have gone to great lengths to censure and suppress the American public from learning the truth of the Crime of the century.
There needed to be a legal prediction for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI to open investigations into Trump and his team; Durham found the FBI Crossfire investigation was never legally predicated, refuting the DOJ IG December 2019 report findings.
FBI abused their color of authority by creating the illusion that Trump and his team had violated the law. The truth was that the FBI fabricated evidence and hid exculpatory evidence from the court.
In his report, Durham wrote: "Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation."
Showed how the FBI fabricated the Russian collusion narrative as part of a well-designed conspiracy plan initiated by Hillary Clinton, DNC approved by Obama and Biden, implicating them in the Crime of the Century, the Conspiracy to destroy a duly elected President.
Exposed the failure of both the FBI and CIA of not resolving whether Igor Danchenko was a Russian Intelligence Agent, who was Steele's primary sub-source for the dossier. Danchenko was the subject of an FBI Baltimore office espionage investigation in 2010. Durham found that the FBI never considered the possibility that the information Danchenko provided to Steele in whole or in part was Russian disinformation, even though the two FBI case agents said Danchenko had ties to RIS.
In 2017, the FBI made Danchenko a paid informant and hid his identity from Congress and the public despite the FBI Source Coordinator saying that Danchenko was probably a Russian double agent. Begs the question Why?
The Durham investigation also uncovered the relationship between Danchenko and Charles Dolan, a DNC operative and Registered Agent for the Russian Federation. Dolan provided the fake pee information to Danchenko, which became part of the Steele dossier.
Lastly, Durham found that Deputy FBI Director McCabe restricted the FBI investigations into the Clinton Foundation of pay for play scheme.
[Note: The FBI is promoted as the premier Law Enforcement Agency in the World by the media, yet the FBI failed to do their due diligence in verifying the information in the Steele dossier, allowing the public to believe the “Big Lie,” that a duly elected President was colluding with the Russians in dividing the nation. Today, the FBI has lost the trust of the American public.]
In the April 2020 issue of The Atlantic, George Packer wrote an article titled "The President is Winning the War on American Institutions." 13
Packer interviewed James Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI, who acknowledges that many government officials, not excluding himself, went into the administration convinced "that they are either smarter than the President, or that they can hold their own against the President, or that they can protect the institution against the President because they understand the rules and regulations and how it's supposed to work, and that they will be able to defend the institution that they love or served in previously against what they perceive to be, I will say neutrally, the inappropriate actions of the President. And I think they are fooling themselves. They're fooling themselves. He's light-years ahead of them."
This interview with Baker illustrates the FBI leadership's opposition to Trump being elected President in 2016. It explains the actions of the FBI Leadership by violating the law by allowing their animas towards Trump and their ideology that they needed to protect the nation from Trump to protect the Obama legacy in betraying their oath of office.
Here are the allegations made by the various FBI and IRS Whistleblowers:
The FBI collusion with Big Tech to gather intelligence on Americans, censor political speech, and target citizens for malicious prosecution.
The FBI's counterterrorism investigations targeting suspected White supremacists and right-wing extremists are mostly "entrapment" operations. 14
The FBI and the DOJ used the FISA court to obtain illegitimate surveillance authority.
The FBI targeted political campaigns with which they disagree.
The FBI created a Russia, Russia, Russia hoax to cripple a duly elected president.
The FBI targeted Catholics for exercising their faith.
The FBI targeted parents for wanting to protect their children.
The FBI targeting of Agents Based on Their Political Beliefs.
FBI Targeting Military Members for 'Disloyalty.'
The FBI hide the hunter Biden laptop and obstructed the IRS money laundering and tax evasion investigation into Hunter Biden and President Biden.
Senator Chuck Grassley is 100% correct in asking the House Oversight Committee to begin interviewing the Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agents and Intelligence Analysts who worked on the Biden money laundering influence peddling scheme investigations.
In order to give a complete picture of the FBI complicity in the cover-up to the American public, the House Oversight Committee needs to expand the scope of the FBI interviews to include agents and analysts assigned to the FBI investigations of the Clinton Foundation and the Crime of the Century Crossfire Hurricane, Russian Hoax Conspiracy.
The agents and analysts involved in the cover-ups of these three investigations could not have done this independently; interviewing them will identify who the decision-makers were at upper levels within the FBI chain of command.
The House Oversight Committee needs to subpoena the agents and Intelligence Analysts' communications (cell phones, texts, and social media accounts). The House Oversight Committee by interviewing the agents and analysts will shed light on the scope and extent of undoing political influence from FBI Leadership and the Obama and Biden Administration officials.
Judicial Watch and Michael Flynn's former legal defense team, Sidney Powell, obtained a snippet of FBI texts from agents and analysts assigned to Crossfire Hurricane. The texts were included in Powell's court filings and documented in an article, "The Federalist. 1516 17 18 19 20 21
The Texts showed that the agents and analysts were so concerned about the agency's potentially illegal behavior that they purchased liability insurance to protect themselves less than two weeks before Trump became president.
FBI texts also showed FBI agents in an uproar over the improper handling of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and how consumed the leadership was with conspiracy theories rather than evidence.
These are agents and analysts who take an oath to uphold the law; the fact that they were concerned that the agency violated the law and that they needed liability insurance to protect themselves from civil and criminal lawsuits validates Senator Chuck Grassley's concerns and request that the House oversight Committee needs to interview FBI personnel.
Putting the agents and analysts under oath to determine the depth of how radical ideology has replaced upholding the Constitution where "Show me the Man, I will show you the Crime, is the new standard of justice for political purposes in going after those who oppose the Obama and Biden administration’s policies.
Having interviewed hundreds of Federal Agents for misconduct allegations, for an Agent to follow disgraced Director James Comey's Congressional testimony where Comey could not recall 290 instances of playing the do-not-recall card during his questioning before Congress is unacceptable. FBI Agents' job is to document and remember details. When an agent cannot recall pertinent investigative details or conversations, one can infer that the agent is lying or untruthful.
It is way past time for Congress to allow Federal Agencies, specifically the FBI, to cover up the criminality of those in high office. With the 2024 Presidential election less than 11 months away, it is time for transparency in exposing the cover-ups and culture of corruption within the FBI. Congress needs to ask and get answers to the forbidden questions that Special Counsel Durham and the Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General failed to ask and get answers to:
Why did the FBI hide exculpatory information from the public and the court on the Russian collusion hoax?
Why did CIA Director Brennan ask FBI Director Comey to open up four investigations on Team Trump members in late July 2016 when both Brennan and Comey had been investigating Team Trump since April 2016 and knew the Steele dossier was a paid-for Hillary-DNC disinformation document?
How did Igor Danchenko, a person under investigation by the FBI for espionage, become the source for the Steele dossier?
Why would the FBI make Danchenko a person under investigation for espionage a paid FBI Confidential Source?
How did the Steele dossier become the centerpiece of the FBI investigative and intelligence efforts on Trump and members of his campaign that later evolved into the Mueller investigation, knowing the information was bogus?
Why didn't the Mueller team and the FBI investigate Hillary Clinton/DNC's Plan to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election, Charles Dolan and Danchenko's ties to Russia, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta's ties to Russian oligarchs and government officials?
What did President Obama know, and when did he know about the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation and Hillary/DNC's plan to influence the 2016 election using a disinformation document?
Why did Obama allow these investigations on Team Trump to go forward if Obama knew this was a plan by the Clinton campaign and DNC to taint Trump with Russian collusion to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election?
The FBI, CIA and the media promoted the Big Lie that the Russians were a threat to our electoral process, as documented in the Senate and Mueller reports. The CIA unit strategic Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) was the unit responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat and had been operating for over 40 years. Yet President Obama shut down the Foreign Denial and Deception Committee in March 2016, raising the question why?
Why did President Obama, in August 2016, ignore warnings by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the height of increased Russian cyber threats by issuing a stand-down order for U.S. Intelligence agencies to counter Russian cyber-attacks if the Russians were the threat?
Why did the FBI collude with Big Tech in the censorship and suppression of American citizens free speech rights?
Why did the FBI hide Hunter Biden laptop from the public and withhold exculpatory information from the Congress that would have prevented the first impeachment trial of President Trump?
Why did the FBI ignore and not investigate the election interference by 51 former intelligence officers using their positions to influence the 2020 POTUS election?
Why is the FBI obstructing the Biden play for pay influencing scheme by ignoring allegations of criminality by numerous FBI sources?
Lastly, why did the agents and analysts involved in these three investigations not follow established FBI investigative guidelines and protocols in following the investigative leads to their logical conclusions?
The Congressional Oversight Committee can provide some clarity in the search for the public's right to know the truth before voting begins in the 2024 Presidential election by asking and getting answers to the forbidden questions.
References and Citations
READ IN FULL: Special counsel John Durham's final 306-page report | Washington Examiner
Top 10 takeaways from Durham report | Just The News
The Daily Wire and FBI agent Timothy Thibault hid intel from whistleblower on Hunter, Joe Biden (nypost.com)
Hunter Biden investigation: IRS whistleblowers reveal Joe Biden’s alleged links to son's China deals | Washington Examiner
Thread by @mtaibbi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
BIG BROTHER, TWITTER, AND BIG TECH - by John Seaman (substack.com)
FBI whistleblower: Counterterrorism cases against alleged right-wing extremists mostly 'entrapment' - Washington Times
FBI Whistleblowers Share Grievous Governmental Misconduct - UncoverDC
April Cover Story - The Atlantic
FBI whistleblower: Counterterrorism cases against alleged right-wing extremists mostly 'entrapment' - Washington Times
July 31, 2016 - The "insurance policy", the “EC”, the FBI counterintel operation, and the informant who originates Brennan’s EC - The Clinton Foundation Timeline
FBI notes detail effort to catch Flynn in lie to 'get him fired' as Trump adviser | Just The News
https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/24/ trump-was-right-explosive-new-fbi-texts-detail-internal-furor-over-handling-of-crossfire-hurricane-investigation
[Note: This article was created by a former Retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent John Seaman with over 30 years’ experience conducting complex conspiracy investigations. Seaman is the co-author of an article Taliban Include Heroin Kingpins in Leadership - by Gretchen Peters and John Seaman - SpyTalk and author of Ideology and Political Correctness Trump Reality and reference in article The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban - POLITICOPOLITICO]
Yes if a new Director returns teaching ethics to the agency and doing a purge of any and all personnel whom think they can violated the law with no accountability by not following guidelines. Putting out a directive any political animas or agenda with a zero tolerance policy. Doing a review of every FBI employee communications and if political animas is found terminate them asap sending the message to the agency this conduct will not be tolerated. Just takes leadership and the will to follow through
Thanks once more for a concise assessment.