Mar 4
Part 2 of 2 answer the 5 W’s and the How questions. Part 1 laid out the scope and extent of the criminal conspiracy by the Clinton-DNC-Obama-Biden scheme to destroy the Trump Presidency. Additionally, Part 1 explained the relevancy of the Durham Investigation and provided a road map for readers to follow Durham as he connects the dots.
[Note: Here is an update to the article: In his final report and during the two trials, Special Counsel Durham established a prima facie conspiracy case showing the commission of all of the elements of the Crime of Conspiracy under 18 USC 371, warranting further investigation.
However, Durham failed to investigate the origins of the Conspiracy and showed no interest in pursuing a conspiracy investigation.
SC Durham's findings never considered the conspiratorial agreement or looked at the overt acts as crimes but only as dirty political tricks. It is puzzling how Durham arrived at that conclusion when the evidence presented in the investigative analysis and in his findings says otherwise; Durham did this by ignoring the normal process of following the investigative leads to their logical conclusions.
The only way to restore the public trust in the rule of Law is by electing a new President and demanding that the administration pursue a conspiracy investigation from the origins into what SCs Mueller and Durham failed to do by holding those accountable who organized the Crime of the Century's most significant sedition coup in American history.
New evidence has surfaced that alleges the Obama administration CIA improperly called on foreign allies from the "Five Eyes Nations" (the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) to surveil 26 Trump aides as "targets for collection and misinformation.” The allegations would be the smoking gun evidence proving the seditious conspiracy to interfere in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 Presidential elections to destroy Trump and defraud the American people. 1 2
Another damning piece of information is the media reporting that the Biden White House is coordinating the prosecutions of Trump. If true, are overt acts establishing a continuation and pattern of conspiracy of the 2016 conspiratorial agreement to destroy Trump by Hillary, DNC, Obama, and Biden by interfering in three Presidential elections in 2016, 2020, and 2024. 3 4 5 6
The findings of the Durham report confirmed the analysis that the government had no evidence of Trump Russian collusion, the Russian collusion narrative was fabricated as part of a well-designed conspiracy plan initiated by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and that none of the FBI and Mueller investigations into Trump and Team Trump were legally predicated.
January 14, 2014, reporting by NBC news, Modernity, and zero hedge of reporting plans by former members of the Obama and the Biden Administration of planning a coup to thwart and destroy Trump if he elected as President in 2024. This is the final overt act in continuation and furtherance of a well-design seditious conspiracy plan by Hillary/Democratic National Committee (DNC)/Obama/Biden as part of their 2016 conspiratorial agreement to destroy Trump and the Make America Great movement.] 7 8 9 10 11
The is the final missing piece of the puzzle in answering the HOW question as to the origins of how the U.S. Intelligence and National Security Community conspired with the Five Eyes Intelligence Services in setting up the perfect false flag operation by using creating the myth that Trump had secret ties to Moscow.
These unfounded SIGINT intercepts of Russian Officials became the basis for their intelligence probes into the Trump campaign by creating the illusion that Trump had secret ties to Moscow. The origins of the Five Eyes Intelligence Service involvement were reported in four open-source articles of how in 2014 the Dutch Intelligence Service had penetrated the Russian Intelligence Service hacking operations and how the NSA had penetrated high level Russian officials. 12 13 14 15
The Obama Administration National Security Agencies misled the American public by inferring there was evidence of SIGINT intercepts of Russian Officials of Trump colluding with the Russians, is there, but it's classified. The facts show allegations were unfounded and implying so is not evidence, it is hearsay and like all hearsay, it fails because it cannot be properly examined or verified. It is classic tradecraft used by Intelligence agencies to give the illusion that there are “Ties to Russian Intelligence” using the lies and deception technique allowing for malefactors like Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and the Mueller team to infer there is fire when there is only smoke.
The next administration needs to find out why the Mueller Team and the FBI ignored Hillary Clinton-DNC's plan to interfere in the 2016 election, and why were there no investigations of the associations of the Clintons and their foundation with the Russians regarding the pay-for-play scheme? John Podesta's ties to Russian oligarchs and government officials, FBI, Steele's and Bruce Ohr's ties to Oleg Deripaska and other Russian Oligarchs with links to the Russian government, and why the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee, SC Mueller and SC Durham team never looked at or investigated the National Security implications.
The least reported and overlooked themes by investigators and the media are the roles, associations and commonalty of the Russians of Russian decent creating the Russian Hoax Conspiracy Myth proving a pattern of conspiracy of how the FBI and CIA used Russians Igor Danchenko, Olga Galkina, Dmitri Alperovitch, Oleg Deripaska, Natalia Veselnitskaya, deceased Russian Deputy Attorney General named Saak Albertovich Karapetyan and Maria Butina.
Debunking the Myth that Trump and his campaign team had secret ties to the Russians.
Fact Number One: Both SC Mueller's and SC Durham's investigative findings found no evidence that Trump or members of the Trump Team conspired with the Russians which debunks the media reporting from various Anonymous sources within the National Security agencies who provided the false narrative information that the information in the bogus Steele dossier of Trump communicating and colluding with the Russians had been verified from intercepts of Russian officials. This false reporting is actually contrary to the actual facts found, and the facts showed the opposite.
Fact Number Two: If there were classified intercepts evidence of Russian officials implicating Trump and his team members conversing with Russians to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election, Special Counsel Mueller would have uncovered the evidence, unclassified the intercepts, and used the information as evidence in charging Trump with a Crime. This never occurred because there was no evidence.
Fact Number Three: The most significant and damning piece of evidence is how they manufactured evidence in the Alfa Bank ruse and inserted it into the bogus Steele dossier that Trump had secret communications with the Russians. The fact that the conspirators went to the extent of manufacturing the Alfa Bank ruse by creating and manipulating cyber tools to give the appearance that Trump was communicating with a Russian bank, to deceive the American public in the 2016 election is additional evidence that debunks the false claims put out by our Intelligence Agencies that Trump had secret ties to Moscow.
Fact Number Four: The facts show that the information for the bogus Steele dossier was a Clinton-DNC paid-for disinformation dossier that originated from associates within the Clinton and DNC orbits, not the Russians, as part of their Machiavellian plan of making the Russians the responsible party to hide their criminality in framing Trump and his team for crimes they didn’t commit.
Durham in his findings proved how the Steele dossier was invented out of whole cloth and consisted almost entirely of rumors, innuendo, and outright falsehoods fabricated by Russian "sources." Durham in his findings described how former Brookings Institution policy analyst Igor Danchenko, a Russian national on Steele's payroll had been under investigation by the FBI for espionage; Olga Galkina, a Cyprus-based Russian national who was a press secretary to a Russian tech company living in Cyprus; having ambitions of joining the State Department under Hillary Clinton if Hillary won the presidential election; and Democratic National Committee (DNC) operative Charles Dolan who had lengthy ties to the Democratic Party and was a registered agent for the Russian Government.
It took Special Counsel Durham's investigation to uncover the Russian connections and identify the role of the Russian sources behind the bogus Steele dossier. Durham findings expose the failures of the FBI Crossfire Hurricane, DOJ Inspector General, Senate, House Intelligence Oversight Committees, and the Mueller investigations that a suspected Russian spy, a Cyprus-based Russian national who was a press secretary to a Russian tech company and a DNC operative were the sources for the Steele dossier.
Fact Number Five: The Durham report findings determined that there was no evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion, and that the FBI never had any legal basis to open up its investigations into Trump and his team members. In his report, Durham wrote: "Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation." Crossfire Hurricane is the FBI codename for the investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign."
Fact Number Six: The Obama administration, the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA had been investigating Trump and his team since April 2016, two months before the infamous May 2016 meeting in a bar showing the first Big Lie by a corrupted Obama administration DOJ and FBI.
Fact Number Seven: The facts show there was never any evidence that the Russians had breached both servers. Only based upon speculation by the initial claims put out by CrowdStrike the private cyber security company that did the breach investigation into the DNC servers and told the media in June 2016, that the Russians were behind the hack of the DNC which turned out to be false.
Fact Number Eight: In early April 2016, Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos were the targets of both the FBI and CIA counterintelligence investigations as illustrated by the fact that FBI Headquarters directed the FBI/New York Division to open up a CI investigation on Carter Page, a CIA asset; that CIA Director Brennan set up two CI intelligence fusion cells, one at the CIA and the other at the FBI targeting Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos and that purportedly there was a meeting in the White House between Rice, Comey, Clapper and Lynch discussing the Trump Team appointments of Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos.
This goes to the heart of the matter, showing the lie and cover up by Congress, Obama administration DOJ, and the FBI where they misled the country in their findings that the Russians had interfered in the 2016 election and were a threat to the nation.
The media, DOJ, the FBI, along with the Democratic members of the Democrat-controlled Senate oversight committees and officials in the prior Obama administration and the Biden administration, continued to repeat the “Big Lie” by telling the Country that Russians had interfered in the 2016 election and were a threat to the nation and that Trump had colluded with the Russians.
The evidence infers that former President Obama and his Administration did not believe their own political narrative that the Russians were a threat to the nation, as shown by Obama's actions of shutting down U.S. countermeasures to countering Russian election interference contrary to the Russian interference narrative sold to the public by Intelligence Community, the media, Senate/House Oversight Committees, the Mueller report, and the Obama and Biden administrations. Schinder in his 2018 article highlighted President Obama's lethargy in confronting Russian espionage and propaganda efforts and asked Congress to find out why they did so little to defend our democracy from Russian espionage and subversion.
The biggest investigative and National Security failure is why none of the investigations looked at President Obama's actions of allowing the FBI investigations on Team Trump to go forward when Obama knew this was a scheme by the Clinton campaign and DNC to taint Trump with Russian Collusion to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election.
If the Russians were such a threat to our electoral process, as documented in the Senate and Mueller reports, why, in March 2016, did President Obama shut down the CIA unit strategic Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC)?
The FDDC, the unit responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat operating for over 30 years.
Former FDDC officials believe shutting down of the FDDC was a deliberate effort by the leadership of the Obama intelligence community to prevent career intelligence officers from mastering how foreign adversaries – mainly Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran – waged denial and deception and from studying how to detect and counter it.
Yet President Obama was the person who shut down the FDDC, the unit responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat, and ignored warnings by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the height of increased Russian cyber threats by issuing a stand-down order for U.S. Intelligence agencies to counter Russian cyber-attacks.
President Obama's actions put U.S. National Security at risk. It begs the question of why Obama felt compelled to order an assessment of Russian Interference in the 2016 election as it's obvious Obama didn’t believe that the Russians were a threat to the U.S.
Another damning piece of information is the media reporting that the Biden White House is coordinating the prosecutions of Trump. If found to be true, are additional overt acts establishing a continuation the of the 2016 conspiratorial agreement of a pattern of Conspiracy to destroy Trump by Hillary, DNC, Obama, and Biden by interfering in three Presidential elections in 2016, 2020, and 2024. 16 17 18 19
On April 23, 2024, Sub Stack author Julie Kelly reported that Judge Cannon, unredacted key evidence related to SC Smith classified documents case against former President Trump. Kelly in her sub stack article provided copies of the unredacted documents showing what DOJ/Jack Smith wanted to conceal from the American people as proof of collaboration between the Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case against Trump. 20 21
To this day, no one in the government, including Special Counsels Mueller and Durham, has actually thoroughly investigated the origins of Hillary Clinton-DNC Obama-Biden's design conspiracy plan to destroy Trump through the lens of a conspiracy investigation which normally follows the evidence to its logical conclusion: this was not done.
In his report and during the two trials, Special Counsel Durham established a prima facie conspiracy case showing the commission of all of the elements of the Crime of Conspiracy under 18 USC 371, warranting further investigation.
However, Durham failed to investigate the origins of the Conspiracy and showed no interest in pursuing a conspiracy investigation.
SC Durham's findings never considered the conspiratorial agreement or looked at the overt acts as crimes but only as dirty political tricks. It is puzzling how Durham arrived at that conclusion when the evidence presented in the investigative analysis and in his findings says otherwise; Durham did this by ignoring the normal process of following the investigative leads to their logical conclusions.
As there is evidence that this is a continuing conspiracy, it extends the statute of limitations to 2029 as this would be the last overt act. It would allow a new President and a new Attorney General to restore the public faith in the Justice system by investigating the origins of this seditious coup in holding those legally accountable for their roles in the Crime of the Century, the Russian Hoax Conspiracy.
This analysis summarizes the scope and extent of the Hillary-DNC-Obama-Biden disinformation plan by unraveling the conspiracy by answering the five questions “Who, What, When, Where, Why, and “How.”
Shows there was never any legal basis for the FBI investigations into Trump and his team members nor justification for the Scope memo and appointment of a Special Counsel. Questions why the defense attorneys for all the defendants convicted under the Mueller investigation haven’t filed legal motions to the court under the fruits of the poisonous tree doctrine of getting their client’s convictions overturned and their records of conviction voided. 22 23 24
The fact that the FBI and CIA could not resolved whether Igor Danchenko was a Russian Intelligence Agent, as Danchenko was Steele primary sub source for the dossier. Danchenko was the subject of an FBI Baltimore office espionage investigation in 2010 that determined that Danchenko had ties to the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS). In March 2011, the FBI closed its investigation, believing Danchenko had left the country to return to Russia. However, Danchenko never left the country but stayed in Virginia. Durham found that the FBI never considered the possibility that the information Danchenko provided to Steele in whole or in part was Russian disinformation, even those the two FBI case agents said Danchenko had ties to RIS. In 2017, the FBI made Danchenko a paid informant and hid his identity from Congress and the public despite the FBI Source Coordinator saying that Danchenko was probably a Russian double agent. The Durham investigation uncovered the relationship between Danchenko and Charles Dolan, a DNC operative and Registered Agent for the Russian Federation. Dolan provided the fake pee information to Danchenko, which became part of the Steele dossier. Durham found that Deputy FBI Director McCabe restricted the FBI investigations into the Clinton Foundation of pay for play scheme.
The salient point for the public to understand is this was a frame up job by those involved in the Conspiracy using Danchenko a suspected Russian RIS asset as the foil to deceive the public into believing the Russians were the responsible party behind both the Hillary Clinton and DNC server breaches:
To cover up for Hillary’s criminality of having Classified Information and information of Clinton Foundation pay for Play scheme on her server and the embarrassment of DNC head John Podesta succumbing to cyber phishing email attack by an unknown party that happens to the average American on a daily basis. Podesta by opening up an email from an unknown entity allowed the cyber attackers access into his and the DNC server. If Podesta had followed standard security practices, he would have prevented the phishing attack from occurring by not opening up the email from an unknown sender.
The facts show there never any evidence that the Russians had breached both servers. Only based upon speculation by the initial claims put out by CrowdStrike the private cyber security company who did the breach investigation into the DNC servers and told the media in June 2016, that the Russians were behind the hack of the DNC which turned out to be false.
In early April 2016, Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos were the targets of both the FBI and CIA investigations as illustrated by the fact that FBI Headquarters directed the FBI/New York Division to open up a CI investigation on Carter Page, a CIA asset; that CIA Director Brennan set up two CI intelligence fusion cells, one at the CIA and the other at the FBI targeting Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos and that purportedly there was a meeting in the White House between Rice, Comey, Clapper and Lynch discussing the Trump Team appointments of Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos.
By making the Russians the responsible party the Conspirators were able to hide their criminal overt acts in furtherance of the Conspiratorial agreement to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election and after Trump election destroy his Presidency. All illustrated by their actions:
Manufactuing and creation of cyber evidence as illustrated in the Alfa Bank matter giving the appearance that Trump was communicating with the Russians via Alfa Bank
Manufactured of the False Narrative in the Steele dossier promoting the “Big Lie” of nefarious Trump Russian Organized Crime Associations and Trump was a puppet for Putin.
Lying to the FISC to obtain FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his team.
Fabrication of the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) report in combination with the Steele Dossier were the fact documents used by the Obama administration to deceive the public giving the appearance that there was consensus of among all 17 intelligence agencies in the Intelligence Community that “Vladimir Putin ordered” the hacking and leaking of Clinton campaign emails “to help Trump’s chances of victory.” The ICA did not reflect the consensus of the intelligence community as DNI Clapper decided not to put the assessment out to all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies for review. Instead, he limited input to a couple dozen chosen analysts from just three agencies — the CIA, NSA and FBI. FBI Comey and McCabe said President Obama wanted all FBI information on the Steele Dossier included in the ICA and that is why the FBI pushed for inclusion of the Steele dossier into the body of the ICA. CIA Director Brennan disagreed, and the dossier was left out in the body of the report instead put into the Annex A of the ICA. Conflicting testimony by CIA Director Brennan has sworn the dossier was not “in any way" used as a basis for the ICA which conflicts with NSA Director Rogers testimony. Rogers stated that the dossier was “added” as an “appendix to the ICA draft,” and that consideration of that appendix was “part of the overall ICA review/approval process.” That the dossier did factor in. Rogers has testified that while he was sure the Russians wanted to hurt Clinton, he wasn't as confident as CIA and FBI officials that their actions were designed to help Trump, explaining that such as assessment "didn't have the same level of sourcing and the same level of multiple sources.”
Bottom line is I have no doubt that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, with the goal of undermining public faith in the democratic process. This was not a secret as the Russians have been doing this for the last 40 years and was the reason for establishing Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) unit at the CIA in the early 80s, after the warnings of former Soviet KGB colonel Anatoliy Golitsyn of a Russian “strategic disinformation offensive” from Moscow in undermining the public faith in its institutions.
The question is: Why did President Obama shut down the Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) in March 2016?
Obviously, President Obama and his administration didn’t believe their own political narrative of the Russian threat by shutting down the FDDC giving credence of Obama direct involvement in the Conspiracy by allowing the implementation of the Hillary/DNC plan before the 2016 POTUS election. And after Hillary lost Obama and his administration began their media disinformation campaign of using the Steele dossier and ICA as part of the Russian election interference narrative information in deceiving the public by promoting the allegations of “Russian subversion” and “collusion” among Trump and his associates to destroy the Trump Presidency.
Exposes the failure and weakness of the Inspector General’s check & balance system of not preventing the weaponization and politicization of the Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) by the political party in power and the need for the next Congress to use their oversight authority to reign in the DOJ-National Security Division (DOJ-NSD). [NOTE: There is no oversight of the DOJ-National Security Division. One of the priorities for the Congress in 2022 by providing the investigative tools necessary in strengthening the IG system by creating an IG oversight unit for the DOJ-NSD, so this weaponization never occurs again.]
Uncovers the breach of national security vulnerable to blackmail by foreign adversaries.
Exposes the FBI & DOJ roles in the cover-up of Hillary Clinton’s criminality and why the Obama administration allowed her to continue her Presidential campaign knowing she had compromised National Security and violated the law. 25
How the hoax has adversely impacted the public trust in our institutions and National Security.
President Obama conspired with Hillary Clinton, former Vice President Biden, now President, along with the former leader of the Director of FBI, James Comey, Assistant Director FBI Andrew McCabe, Director of CIA John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, DOJ and other DNC Obama & Clinton loyalists and ideologues within the highest levels of the Federal Bureaucracy. By abusing their official positions under the color of authority in weaponizing and politicalizing the use of the National Security Intelligence and law enforcement agencies in a coup against President Trump. The conspirators executed and carried out the Clinton-DNC-Obama-Biden plan to taint Trump’s colluding with the Russians. The Clinton-DNC Russian hoax was to cover up the email scandal of Hillary Clinton and hid her criminality of compromising National Security and pay for-play scheme so she could continue her Presidential campaign. It was the most egregious action by those in high government positions and people of influence in colluding with a political party using the color of authority and classification system to hide their criminal acts in deceiving the American public. 26 27
The CIA used unverified intelligence information passed by the “Five Eyes,” foreign intelligence services, especially the British spy agencies, targeting people connected to Trump’s inner circle giving the appearance that Trump and members were colluding with the Russians. 28 29 30
The Steele Dossier was part of the Hillary/DNC false flag dirty trick plan that Trump or his team members colluded with the Russians to influence and deceive the American public in the 2016 POTUS election. After the 2016 election, Obama and members of his administration continued the Conspiracy plan promoting the DNC disinformation Steele dossier to the American public via a complicit media campaign to obstruct the Trump Presidency. 31 32
In April 2017, the British newspaper the Guardian reported that in 2015, British spies were the first to expose Team Trump’s links to Russia. U.S. and British intelligence sources acknowledge that GCHQ played an early, prominent role in kickstarting the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation, which began in late July 2016. 33
[Note: The Guardian, a month after publishing an article about GCHQ denying any involvement in intercepting Trump the Guardian published the April 2017, article documenting GCHQ’s role as the origins of the FBI investigations. The British media reporting conflicts with what DOJ and FBI told the public that the roots of the FBI investigation started from the May 2016, meeting between Ambassador Downer and Papadopoulos.]
According to the article, GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. 34
Over the next six months, until the summer of 2016, several western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said. 35 [Note: Durham report and media reporting claims British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping the FBI efforts.]36
July 26, 2016, DNI Ratcliffe informed the Senate committee that the Obama administration obtained Russian Intelligence in July 2016 with allegations against Clinton but cautioned that the intelligence community “does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the text to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”
According to Ratcliffe’s letter, the Intelligence included the “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” 37
February 11, 2017, Paul Sperry, New York Post opinion piece titled “How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trumps Presidency,” where Obama made the comments “he was heartened by anti-Trump protests after the election,” and alleging while still in the WH Obama gave instructions to resist Trump presidency by Organizing for Action (OFA) following Trump victory. Obama reportedly told OFA troops, “You’re going to see me early next year, and we’re going to be in a position to start cooking up great stuff.” The reporter purported that Obama had organized a network of left-wing nonprofits led by OFA by opening up 250 offices. OFA evolved from Obama’s campaign organization Obama for America and was operated by old Obama aides with 32,525 volunteers nationwide, raising 40 million in contributions. 38
February 17, 2017, John Hayward, Breitbart news Insiders: Obama Holdover ‘Shadow Government’ Plotting to Undermine Trump reported several intelligence insiders had come forward over the past few days to describe a shadow government of Obama holdovers leaking information to detail the Trump presidency making the allegation that former President Obama himself is actively involved citing his establishment of a command post center in Washington DC and continuing his involvement with activist’s organizations. 39 40
Some of the alleged Conspirators were former Obama officials who now hold similar positions of authority in the Biden administration, Lisa Monaco, John Carlin, Assistant AG head of DOJ National Security Division, Mary McCord, special counsel to January 6th committee, Matthew Olsen, Vanita Gupta, Samantha Powers, Victora Nuland, Jon Finer, Susan Rice, Jake Sullivan, FBI Supervisory Intelligent Analyst Brain Auten, Special Agent Somme, FBI/NYFD, and Special Agent in Charge FBI Washington Field Office Timothy Thibault. Jake Sullivan, Biden's national security adviser, and Caroline Krass, a top lawyer at the Pentagon, were involved in efforts in 2016 and 2017 to advance the Clinton campaign's false claims about Trump through the media and the federal government. Two other Biden officials – senior State Department official Dafna Rand and Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler.
The communications (texts, meetings, etc.) exposed by the DOJ Inspector General report, the Durham investigation, and media reporting have documented the hatred of the conspirators toward Trump as proof of a designed plan to defraud the public and obstruct a Presidency. Some of the texts expose the arrogance of those involved in distributing and messaging the false dossier to the American people, sending the ominous message that they're above the law, they are in power, and there is nothing you can do about it.
One salient point is that some of the conspirators over the last six years have made numerous incriminating statements to the media published in multiple media outlets. These comments and statements are all overt acts in furtherance to prove the pattern of the Conspiracy. These comments and statements by the conspirators show a unity of design and their intent in the conspiratorial agreement, indicating a coordinated disinformation messaging scheme in place, not just wishful thinking.
A conspiracy to commit the offense to impair, obstruct or overthrow the lawful function of the Executive Branch and means to interfere with or obstruct one of its proper government functions by deceit, craft, or trickery. The means included dishonest services fraud in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 371, which is the general conspiracy statute where two or more people conspired to defraud the United States. 41
September 2016, U.S. intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok on Hillary Clinton purportedly approving “a plan concerning U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections” to distract the public from her email scandal. The memo stated, “An exchange [REDACTED] discussing U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections to distract the public from her use of a private email server.” 42
Durham noted two overt criminal acts in his indictments: the Alfa Bank ruse listed in the Sussman indictment and the other overt act in charge of Danchenko of Danchenko’s role in providing DNC disinformation to Steele that became the basis for the allegations against Trump. The conspirators used the information to further the conspiracy by manufacturing evidence that Trump and his team members had committed crimes. 43 44 45 46
Durham, in the two charges, documents the “means” to interfere with or obstruct by deceit, craft, or trickery by the conspirators knowingly using both the Shearer memo dossier and the DNC disinformation “Steele Dossier,” knowing that the information in the documents was manufactured or manipulated was false to deceive the American people. 47 48
The “means” included dishonest services fraud by the conspirators who intentionally falsified FISA applications, lied to the FISC, withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense counsel and the court, manufactured crimes, and leaked classified and sensitive information to the media promoting the Trump-Russian hoax. 49 50
In Sussman Indictment, Durham states that Sussman promoted the Alfa Bank ruse to both the FBI and CIA. Sussman provided manipulated data that there was the existence of a secret communication channel between the Trump organization and the Russian Alfa Bank of a suspicious DNS lookup by Trump Tower, Trump’s residential apartment building, and the Executive Office of the President at the White House and a healthcare provider, of internet protocol or IP addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provided. After meeting with the FBI, Sussman met with the CIA and told the CIA that these lookups demonstrated that Trump and his associates were using Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations, inferring Trump and Trump’s team were comprising National Security.
Sussman obtained this data from a Tech Executive Rodney Joffe, whose internet company had come to access and maintain dedicated servers for the Executive Office of the President (EOP) as part of a sensitive arrangement wherein Joffe internet company provided DNS resolution services to the EOP wherein Joffe and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP’s DNS traffic and other data for the nefarious purpose (spying) of gathering derogatory information about Donald Trump. The report lays out the dots connecting Sussman to the Clinton Campaign, Sussman to Joffe using multiple internet companies, and two federally funded university researchers with a complicit media in deceiving and defrauding the American public to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election and obstructing the Trump Presidency. 51
Sussman didn’t stop with the FBI and CIA; Sussman met with the DOJ/OIG and told the IG that one of his clients (identified as Joffe) had observed that a specific OIG employee’s computer was seen publicly in the Internet traffic and was connecting to a Virtual Private Network in a foreign country.
In the Durham indictment of Danchenko, investigators established that Danchenko used Charles Dolan Jr, a long-time political fixer for the Clintons and DNC that Dolan fed Danchenko false information that Danchenko presented to Steele that made it into the Steele dossier.
The definition of a false flag operation is it’s a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility. 52 53
The Conspirators concealed their actions by conducting a “False Flag disinformation operation,” a commonly used technique by U.S. and Foreign Intelligence agencies against their foreign adversaries. With the assistance of National Security agencies, the Obama administration showed that the British Intelligence Service had intercepted conversations with Russian officials discussing Trump and that the Russians had penetrated the Steele source network and provided Russian disinformation to Steele for his Dossier. Anonymous sources within the National Security agencies leaked false narratives to the media that some of the information in the Steele dossier about Trump was corroborated, saying the information came from intercepts of Russian officials. The facts show that the information for the Clinton-DNC paid-for disinformation dossier came from associates within the Clinton and DNC orbits, not the Russians, as part of their Machiavellian plan of making the Russians the responsible party to hide their criminality in framing Trump and his team for crimes they didn’t commit. If there were classified intercepts implicating Trump and his team members conversing with Russians to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election, Mueller would have uncovered the evidence, unclassified the intercepts, and used the information as evidence. Mueller findings that Trump and his team members did not collude with the Russians make the argument moot as to the Steele dossier being a Russian disinformation document.
Applying the definition of a false flag operation to the conspirators’ actions explains how the Obama administration, after Trump’s election, conducted a false flag operation to deceive the American public as a continuation of Clinton/DNC’s plan in tainting Trump as colluding with the Russians.
The FBI lied to the public when the FBI said the origins of their Crossfire Hurricane investigation began in May 2016 with the meeting between Downer and Papadopoulos, when the facts show that the true origins of the Clinton-DNC-Obama-Biden plan started in December 2015 when the British Intelligence Service advised CIA Director Brennan of intercepted conversations of Russian Officials regarding Trump.
The Clinton campaign and DNC implemented a well-coordinated disinformation campaign using Fusion GPS Ohr proto-dossiers, the Shearer memo, and the Steele dossiers as the impetus for disseminating a false narrative of the false history Trump-Russian collusion via a complicit media and the Brooking Institute to the American public and various U.S. government agencies.
The Obama administration FBI and CIA set up the false flag operation by investigating Trump and his team members using classified unverified intercepts of Russian officials from the British Intelligence Service as the basis for their intelligence probes into the Trump campaign in creating the illusion that the Russians were the responsible party. The FBI and CIA altered the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) that the Russians favored Trump in the 2016 election and promoted the Trump-Russian collusion hoax to the public as part of their Conspiracy disinformation operation in hiding their roles in the conspiracy to deceive and defraud the American people. 54
On December 9, 2019, inspector General Michael Horowitz, DOJ, released the results of his findings to the public. The findings of facts listed as redacted footnotes in the information were unclassified by AG Barr and Acting National Intelligence Director Richard Grenell, which inferred parts of the Steele dossier was Russian disinformation but were never verified. 55
The declassified footnote states that an FBI intelligence analyst and a supervisory special agent working on the Crossfire Hurricane probe admitted they “did not recall reviewing information in Steele’s Delta file documenting Steele’s frequent contacts with representatives for multiple Russian oligarchs in 2015.” 56
Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) and Steele’s Dossier were the fact documents used by the conspirators in the Obama administration aided by their friends in the media to spread false Trump-Russian collusion hoax to deceive the public.
The Obama administration and the media promoted the ICA findings that all 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies concurred when only two agencies reached a consensus FBI and CIA giving the press reporting the appearance of legitimacy that the allegations had merit. The Conspirators distributed the Steele dossier to the media, circulating it to promote the Trump-Russian hoax that the Trump presidency was illegitimate. 57
September 24, 2020, Real Clear Investigations published an article by Paul Sperry titled “Secret Report: How CIA’s Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary.” 58
Sperry reported former CIA Director John Brennan personally edited a crucial section of the intelligence report on Russian interference in the 2016 election and assigned a political ally to take a lead role in writing it after career analysts disputed Brennan’s take that Russian leader Vladimir Putin intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump clinch the White House, according to two senior U.S. intelligence officials who have seen classified materials detailing Brennan’s role in drafting the document. 59
Sperry learned that one of the CIA operatives who helped Brennan draft the ICA, Andrea Kendall-Taylor, financially supported Hillary Clinton during the campaign and is a close colleague of Eric Ciaramella, identified last year by RCI as the Democratic national security “whistleblower” whose complaint led to Trump’s impeachment, ending in Senate acquittal in January 2020. 60
Sperry reported the two officials said Brennan, who openly supported Clinton during the campaign, excluded conflicting evidence about Putin’s motives from the report, despite objections from some intelligence analysts who argued Putin counted on Clinton winning the election and viewed Trump as a “wild card.” 61
Sperry stated that the dissenting analysts found that Moscow preferred Clinton because it judged she would work with its leaders, whereas it worried Trump would be too unpredictable. As secretary of state, Clinton tried to “reset” relations with Moscow to move them to a more positive and cooperative stage, while Trump campaigned on expanding the U.S. military, which Moscow perceived as a threat. 62
Sperry noted the analysts said they also came under political pressure to back Brennan’s judgment that Putin personally ordered “active measures” against the Clinton campaign to throw the election to Trump, even though the underlying Intelligence was “weak.” 63
The recent Twitter file releases illustrate a convergence of "Big Brother" government, media, and big tech in a well-designed Machiavellian conspiracy plan. First, to control what the American public hears and reads to advance a Leninist ideology where conformity and authoritarian tyrannical government become the new normal.
The importance of the Twitter files is that its additional evidence (overt acts) proving a pattern of conspiracy in furtherance of the original Hillary/DNC conspiratorial agreement and a continuation of the contract by the Obama and Biden administrations to defraud the American public by interfering in two POTUS elections 2016 and 2020. By implementing a massive disinformation campaign promoting the Clinton/DNC paid-for Steele dossier, illegal surveillance of President Trump and his team, and executing a gigantic social media censorship program encompassing agencies across the federal government – from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of State (DOS) to the Department of Defense (DOD) Pentagon to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to destroy the Trump Presidency and the Make America Great (MAGA) movement. 64 65 66 67
For the last six years, no one in the government, including Special Counsels Mueller and Durham, has failed to investigate the origins of Hillary Clinton-DNC Obama-Biden's design plan to destroy Trump through the lens of a conspiracy investigation in following the evidence to its logical conclusion.
The Mueller team and the FBI investigation ignored Hillary Clinton-DNC's plan to interfere in the 2016 election, John Podesta's ties to Russian oligarchs and government officials, Steele's and Bruce Ohr's ties to Oleg Deripaska and other Russian Oligarchs with links to the Russian government.
While Durham's investigative and prosecution efforts centered on conducting single-focus investigations on lying to the FBI instead of investigating the scope and extent of the conspiracy and holding those accountable.
So far, Durham's prosecution efforts have been unsuccessful in his two court trials. However, Durham's efforts did establish a prima facie conspiracy case involving widespread deception in meeting the criminal elements for 18 USC 371.
The Clinton campaign and the DNC took Fusion GPS Glen Simpson’s opposition research idea of guilt by association by manufacturing and manipulating opposition research information for criminal purposes in defrauding the American public that Trump and members of his team were colluding with the Russians. [Note: The idea that this was just a dirty campaign trick and not illegal, as purported by the media and their pundits, is wrong: what they did was a crime!]
Additionally, the conspirators used the classification system to hide their criminality by making the Russians the responsible party to deceive the U.S. Congress and the American public by over-classification of documents of hiding information from Congress now calls into question the findings of both the Senate and Mueller reports of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Lastly, the commonality that some of the same conspirators involved in the Russia hoax were also involved in the Ukrainian impeachment hoax and the suppression of the Hunter Biden computer laptop, proving a pattern of Conspiracy.
Hillary Clinton-DNC-Obama-Biden and the media were committed to an ongoing false flag disinformation campaign promoting the Trump Russian hoax to change the public perception that the Trump election was illegitimate. The disinformation campaign began in late 2015, continued during the 2016 Presidential campaign, and after the 2016 Presidential election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States and endures to this day. 68
May 5, 2016, The New York Times published an interview with White House foreign-policy adviser Ben Rhodes, titled "The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama Foreign-Policy Guru.", in which Rhodes spoke candidly about how he manipulated the media and used them to disseminate his talking points. Rhodes gave the Obama Iranian deal as an example of how the administration created an echo chamber by using officials within the administration and experts from think tanks, academic communities, and the media. Rhodes said, "They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say." Rhodes boasted how the Obama administration exploited younger journalists, who "literally know nothing," but went on to say the echo chamber was created with the older, experienced journalists, the men, and women at the top of their profession whom Rhodes claimed he manipulated for two terms of the Obama administration. Rhodes said all they wanted to have access to President Obama and referred to himself as the "Dean of American Journalism, and they deserve no less.“ 69
In March 2016, the Obama administration (the FBI and CIA) conducted overseas entrapment operations in Europe (Italy and Britain) using FBI, CIA, and foreign intelligence assets from the five eyes intelligence network to set up perjury traps on Team Trump members to implicate them in crimes they didn’t commit. 70 71 72 73 74
Overseas entrapment operations against Team Trump began in March 2016 in Europe (Italy and Britain) by British and Australian Intelligence operatives of the five eyes network and Italian Intelligence in coordination with the U.S. Intelligence Community and FBI. Media disinformation campaigns by Obama administration officials and the media against Candidate Trump and now President Trump began in the United States and endured to this day. 75 76 77
Former CIA Director John Brennan has admitted Strzok helped write the January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) which outlines the Russia narrative, and Peter Strzok wrote July 31, 2016, “Electronic Communication” that originated FBI operation “Crossfire Hurricane.” Strzok immediately used that EC to travel to London to debrief allied intelligence officials connected to the Australian Ambassador to the U.K, Alexander Downer. Peter Strzok acted as a bridge between the CIA and the FBI. The perfect type of FBI career agent for the intelligence Branch and CIA Director John Brennan to utilize. 78 79
The Five Eyes and CIA operations involving Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor generally identified as a western intelligence operative who was tasked by the FBI/CIA to run an operation against Trump campaign official George Papadopoulos in both Italy (Rome) and London, verified by the tape Mifsud Lawyer provided to AG Barr and Durham during their fact-finding trip to Italy in 2019. 80 81
The FBI tasking of U.S. intelligence asset Stefan Halper to target another Trump campaign official, Carter Page. Under the auspices of being a Cambridge Professor, Stefan Halper also targeted General Michael Flynn and Sam Clovis Trump campaign members. Additionally, using assistance from a female FBI agent under the false name Azra Turk, Halper also targeted Papadopoulos. 82
The facts that initial entrapment operations to target Flynn, Papadopoulos, and Page were all based overseas. This makes the CIA’s exploitation of the assets and the targets much more straightforward.
HPSCI Ranking Member Devin Nunes outlined how concrete exculpatory evidence was known to the FBI and yet withheld from the FISA application used against Carter Page, which also mentions George Papadopoulos. The FBI also fabricated information in the FISA. 83
The facts that Fusion-GPS founder Glenn Simpson hired CIA Open-Source analyst Nellie Ohr toward the end of 2015, at appropriately the same time as “FBI Contractors” were identified exploiting the NSA database and extracting information on a specific set of U.S. persons, the 2015 GOP candidates for President. 84
The fact that Fusion-GPS founder Glenn Simpson was domestically tasked with a Russian lobbyist named Natalia Veselnitskaya. A little reported Russian Deputy Attorney General named Saak Albertovich Karapetyan was working double agent for the CIA and Kremlin. Karapetyan was directing the foreign operations of Natalia Veselnitskaya, and Glenn Simpson was organizing her inside the U.S. 85
Glenn Simpson managed Veselnitskaya through the 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Donald Trump Jr. However, once the CIA/Fusion-GPS operation using Veselnitskaya started to unravel with public reporting… back in Russia, Deputy AG Karapetyan died in a helicopter crash. 86
Simultaneously timed in late 2015 through mid-2016, there was a domestic FBI operation using a young Russian named Maria Butina tasked to run up against republican presidential candidates. According to Patrick Byrne, Butina’s private sector handler [NOTE: remember, the public-private sector partnership], it was FBI agent Peter Strzok who gave Patrick Byrne the instructions on where to send Butina. 87
The information will show that one of the sole purposes of the Clinton-DNC-Obama-Biden Conspiracy plan with a complicit media was to change America into a socialist state and prevent the incoming Trump Administration from discovering their crimes of:
Unmasking of Americans for political purposes
In 2011, President Obama loosened surveillance “minimization procedures,” lowering the bar for oversight of the communications of American citizens who were incidentally swept up in foreign intelligence surveillance. This change in intelligence collection surveillance procedures allowed the Obama administration to exploit the tools of the U.S. intelligence community to spy on American citizens in violation of court-ordered surveillance procedures. 88 89 90
March 12, 2013, President Obama Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee. It was asked the question of whether the National Security Agency (NSA), the intelligence community’s cryptology and signals intelligence powerhouse, collects any data on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans. Clapper responded, “Not wittingly.” 91
March 9, 2016, the Department of Justice oversight issued a finding during a review of FBI/FISA process minimization procedures involving queries of data acquired practices under Section 702 using U.S. person identifiers. DOJ found that the FBI employed a large staff of private contractors’ analysts who had access to review FISA information. Their data inquiries went beyond what was necessary to respond to FBI queries. The main finding was that the FBI had given FISA data questions information to a private entity, not an assisting federal agency. 92 93 [Note: The identity of the private contracting entity was never disclosed. The question is, what did the private contracting entity do with the NSA information?]
April 5, 2016, according to then-National Security Agency (NSA) Director Adm. Mike Rogers’s Senate testimony after the discovery that outside contractors for the FBI were accessing raw FISA data by the findings of DOJ, he directed the NSA’s Office of Compliance to conduct a “fundamental baseline review of compliance associated with 702” at some point in early April 2016. 94 95
April 5, 2016, On the same day of discovering the FBI’s use of private contractors, FBI lawyer Lisa Page sent a text to FBI agent Peter Strzok: “Need to try to fix a HUGE who f-up.” Page quickly corrected her typo by texting “Wfo”—an abbreviation for the FBI’s Washington field office. Lisa Page would later send another text on the same day, noting, “Need to go meet with Andy again now.” Andy was then-Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe; on October 21, 2016, the FBI rushed Page warrants through FISC to beat Rogers to FISC. Yates. FISC approves. 96
October 25, 2016 – Rogers shuts down FBI access to the 702 databases and reports to FISC. 97
During this hearing on October 26, 2016, the FISC court ascribed the government failed to disclose the unauthorized data acquired queries to an institutional lack of candor on the NSA’s part and emphasized that this is a profoundly severe fourth amendment issue. As the FISA court opinion relates, the most significant change was that the revised “procedures categorically prohibited NSA analysts from using U.S.-person identifiers to query the results of upstream Internet collection” (emphasis added). This meant the NSA was not supposed to use an American’s phone number, email address, or other “identifier” in running searches through its upstream database. It is this prohibition that the NSA routinely and extensively violated. The violation was so broad that its scope was not determined when the Obama administration ended. 98
On March 2, 2017, Evelyn Farkas, an adviser to the Clinton campaign and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense under Obama, speaking on the MSNBC Morning Joe Show, explicitly stated that she helped spy on Trump for Obama before he left the White House, Trump, not Russians, were the targets of surveillance, she was concerned about hiding their methods from Trump, Farkas encouraged leaks because she was “worried” about Russians and “People on the Hill” (Congress) who knew about Obama’s spy plot. 99
March 22, 2017, former National Security Adviser Susan Rice was interviewed by PBS’s Judy Woodruff and asked to respond to Nunes’ accusation that she had unmasked those Trump officials in the waning days of the Obama administration. Here is the exchange: Woodruff: We’ve been following a disclosure by the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, that, in essence, during the final days of the Obama administration, during the transition, after President Trump had been elected, that he and the people around him may have been caught up in surveillance of foreign individuals in that their identities may have been disclosed. Do you know anything about this? Rice: I do not know anything about this. I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that count today. 100
March 2017, Susan Rice, Obama’s former national security adviser, told House investigators that she had unmasked Senior Trump officials Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, and Steve Bannon in an effort “to understand why the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates was in New York late last year.” the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan had circumvented some diplomatic courtesy. Rice told the investigators that a meeting had reportedly come on the heels of efforts by UAE officials to create a back-channel communication between Russia and the incoming Trump administration. 101
On July 25, 2017, President Obama’s former United Nations ambassador Samantha Powers testified before the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee on unmasking Americans caught up in the surveillance of non-U.S. citizens. Powers testified that the unmasking requests might have been in her name, but she was not the official requesting the unmasking. Power’s U.N. job did not have regular intelligence-gathering responsibilities, and her name stood as the authority for unmasking hundreds of American characters in 2016 — averaging more than one American name per day. 102
James Clapper, James Comey, and John Brennan, in addition to Ben Rhodes and Susan Rice, were aware of the “massive unmasking” issue, which turned out to be not 261 persons, but “thousands,” according to an NSC audit ordered by NSA Rogers. 103
Abuse of their color of authority by ignoring all security, investigative and prosecution, and procedures in the FBI Hillary Clinton investigation and covering up the failure of Hillary Clinton to protect Classified information from foreign adversaries in total disregard of National Security protocols. 104
Hillary Clinton had been a first lady, a U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State, Standard Form 312, was signed by Clinton, and her aides noted explicitly that the laws apply to both marked and unmarked classified material. The FBI, during her interview, never questioned her or showed her signed SF 312, which goes directly to her knowledge of the legal consequences of handling classified information. The mere fact that she knowingly conducted official government business over an unsecured private email server while Secretary of State without authorization is evidence in and by itself of her intent to violate the law.
This begs the question of why the people responsible for overseeing the protection of Classified information in the State Department allowed Hillary Clinton to operate an unsecured email system conducting official government business for four years, knowing she never used her classified system set up for her by the State Department and never held her accountable for violating classification security protocols. Yet, was no one in the State Department fired or prosecuted for their criminal negligence actions?
Facts not in dispute of FBI investigation of Hillary:
The FBI’s failure to ask Hillary Clinton during her interview the obvious questions of ignoring established investigative procedures is evidence of a corrupt motive that the FBI under Director Comey, McCabe, and Strzok intended to exonerate Clinton, not determine whether there was enough evidence to indict her.
Failure of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s DOJ to abdicate her prosecutorial oversight responsibility is evidence of systemic corruption on the part of a cabal within the FBI and DOJ that looks purposely inept in influencing the 2016 POTUS in favoring Hillary Clinton by ignoring her criminality so she could continue her Presidential campaign.
Secretary Clinton was investigated from the FBI headquarters in Washington D.C. when the FBI/NY field division discovered the information. That Director Comey, Assistant FBI Director McCabe, Supervisory Special Agent Strzok, and other FBI National Security Headquarters Branch members supervised the investigation. The mere fact that Comey, McCabe, and Strzok were also the principals involved in the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation into President Trump
FBI by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides by giving immunity not limited to the act of production but extended to the contents of the computer and even included any materials that the lawyers may have destroyed and the FBI failure to use a grand jury for the issuance of subpoenas in a high-profile investigation is unprecedented.
FBI granted limited immunity to Mrs. Clinton’s top aides, former chief of staff Cheryl Mills and senior adviser Heather Samuelson, to get them to surrender their laptops as part of its probe into whether Mrs. Clinton mishandled classified information. The FBI merely had to seek a subpoena or search warrant. By offering immunity, the FBI exempted the laptops and their emails as potential evidence in a criminal case. Beth Wilkinson, representing Ms. Mills and Ms. Samuelson, says the immunity deals were designed to protect her clients against related “classification” disputes. However, Wilkerson’s admission showed that both women knew their unsecured laptops had been holding sensitive information.
The DOJ IG, in their December 2019 report, referenced and quoted the EC in its December report on FISA abuse targeting President Trump and Carter Page. The IG report, FBI texts, and testimony show President Obama was aware of Crossfire Hurricane. 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
9:41 a.m., Strzok to Lisa Page: “Check out my 9:30 mtg on the 7th.”
9:42 a.m., Lisa Page to Strzok: “I can tell you why you’re having that meeting.”
9:42 a.m., Lisa Page to Strzok: “It’s not what you think.”
9:49 a.m., Strzok to Lisa Page: “TPs [Talking Points] for D [Director]?”
9:50 a.m., Lisa Page to Strzok: “Yes, be POTUS wants to know everything we are doing.”
Page 77 of the report shows that by late July 2016, Obama had been briefed by “another US Government agency.” [Note: On July 28, 2016, CIA Director Brennan told President Obama.]
Failure of FBI/DOJ in releasing exculpatory information FBI case notes and DOJ memos to General Flynn’s court and defense counsel before General Flynn entered a guilty plea.
The fact that the Steele dossier was DNC disinformation combined with the points that DOJ and FBI misrepresented the information to the FISC Judges by omitting critical attributes from the court that the Judges were never told:
Clinton’s campaign and the DNC paid for the information in the FISA warrants applications.
That the FBI’s source, Christopher Steele, had lied.
That Steele had a known political bias against Candidate Trump.
That the FBI’s never verified the Steele Dossier.
They Left out exculpatory evidence of Page and Papadopoulos.
That the wife, Nellie Ohr, of a Senior DOJ Official Bruce Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS in putting together opposition research information on Candidate Trump used by the FBI. 112
These actions by the FBI and DOJ show motive and intent to deceive the court in obtaining wire intercepts on Team Trump members to collect information searching for evidence of crime against Trump and members of his team. It highlights the legal question for Durham to determine if the FBI and Mueller investigations were legally predicated and whether AG Rosenstein used any information from the Steele dossier or intercepts on team trump as the legal basis for his two scope memos.
July 31, 2016, the case opening document FBI Electronic Communication by Special Agent Peter Strzok II titled “Crossfire Hurricane; Foreign Agents Registration Act-Russia; Sensitive Investigative Matter. Case opening is documentary evidence of how the FBI manufactured the ruse of using FARA as the legal prediction. As nowhere in the case opening document is there any evidence of any FARA violations, and the fact that Strzok wrote and was the approving official on the opening case document violated FBI procedural investigative guidelines? Goes to motive and intent. 113
The document focused on a “Suggestion” passed on by Australian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Alexander Downer’s discussion with George Papadopoulos on May 10, 2016, in a London bar. 114
The document reported that Downer said Trump Campaign Advisor Papadopoulos might be coordinating with Russia the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton. The paper noted the information Papadopoulos had heard from an Eastern European Professor (Joseph Mifsud) two months earlier. 115
Strzok, in the document, expressed doubts about the information stating, “It was unclear whether he or the Russians were referring to material acquired publicly or through other means. It was also unclear how Mr. Trump’s Team reacted to the offer.” [Note: The Mueller report noted in June 2016 that the Trump campaign ignored Papadopoulos’s information and never pursued the matter. This is important because its exculpatory information in ascertaining how Trump Campaign reacted to the offer from Mifsud. A case opening document is an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy and documentary evidence of how the FBI manufactured evidence by opening investigations into Team trump with no legal basis.] 116
The FBI case opening document an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy and documentary evidence of how the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation was a sham investigation by using FARA as the basis for opening an investigation into Team Trump based upon bar talk and innuendo and that did not meet the FBI rigorous legal standards for predicting the opening of counterintelligence or criminal investigation. 117
The manipulation of Intelligence in the ICA document showed that the Russians favored Trump over Clinton while ignoring intelligence information that the Russians supported Clinton.
Former CIA Director John Brennan has admitted Strzok helped write the January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) which outlines the Russia narrative. 118
September 24, 2020, Real Clear Investigations published an article by Paul Sperry titled “Secret Report: How CIA’s Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary.” 119
[Note: According to a Fox news article dated July 29, 2020, by Brooke Singman, FBI Comey and McCabe pushed for the inclusion of the Steele dossier into the body of the ICA, but CIA Director and CIA analysts disagreed and were left out and put into the Annex A. FBI Assistant Director McCabe stated the reason the FBI wanted the Dossier included in the body of the ICA was because President Obama wanted all FBI information contained in the ICA. This raises the question of whom the FBI spoke to in the WH that President Obama wanted the dossier information in the ICA and directly linked President Obama to know about the contents of the Steele dossier?]
Abuse the tools of intelligence and law enforcement by constructing a false narrative for investigative members of team trump and President Trump to frame them for crimes they didn’t commit.
August 19, 2020, former FBI Lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleaded guilty in Federal Court to making False statements under 18 USC 101a for altering an email from the CIA about former Trump Campaign Advisor Carter Page that Page was not a source for the CIA when Page was. Clinesmith altered information was used in the third and four FISA warrant renewals applications on Team Trump member Page. 120
April 29, 2020, an article in Just the News by John Solomon titled, “News FBI notes detail effort to catch Flynn in Lie to get him fired as Trump advisor, what is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute or get him fired.”
According to the article, the note showed that FBI officials discussed not providing a Miranda warning before Flynn’s January 17, 2017, interview. The report purported that the record said, “what is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie so we can prosecute or get him fired.” 121
Leaking of classified information to a complicit media to deceive and influence the American public by promoting the false Trump-Russian collusion hoax that Trump was a traitor and that Trump’s election was illegitimate.
The criminal referral of former Deputy Director McCabe is predicated on several recorded interviews, under oath, with full knowledge of the purpose of the proceedings and an opportunity to correct any misstatements. After initially lying to James Comey by claiming or leading the then-Director to believe that “McCabe had not authorized the disclosure [to the media] and did not know who did,” the INSD of the FBI interviewed him under oath where he again claimed, “he had not authorized the disclosure to the WSJ and did not know who did.” Several months later, under oath to the OIG—in a recorded interview—he swore that he was unaware his own Special Counsel Lisa Page was authorized to speak to the media on the issue or where she was at that time, and finally, some four months after that, McCabe lied under oath about having lied under oath in all the previous incidents. The OIG determined McCabe authorized the leak to the WSJ via his Special Counsel “to advance his interests at the expense of Department leadership” and referred his case for prosecution. Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Dept. of Justice, A Report of Investigation of Certain Allegations Relating to Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Feb. 2018. 122
April 25, 2020, an article in the American Thinker by Thomas Lifson titled “Leak of Sealed Evidence in the Michael Flynn Case” points to a high-ranking deep state operative as a key to the Russia hoax conspiracy at DOJ and FBI.” The article purports that Flynn was the first victim of a scheme of senior officials, the CIA, DOJ, and FBI, in a plot to unseat President Trump and sabotage the Trump Presidency. 123
Judicial Watch also received productions of 171 pages, and 119 pages of Strzok-Page emails showing the FBI pushed stories to the media to stoke its claim that the bureau was “highly confident” Russia was “behind recent hacks.” One email shows Strzok telling Page about an appearance on CNN by then-Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Carlin: “On CNN now talking about the hacking of state election systems. NICE coordination NSD….” 124
The new emails also show Strzok, Page, and other high-ranking FBI officials discussing the “alleged destruction of laptops,” a lengthy discussion about how to respond to a reporter’s inquiry into an alleged quid pro quo related to Hillary Clinton’s emails in which the State Department would create additional FBI overseas positions; and Strzok defending Director James Comey after a former FBI official said Comey had “thrown all the agents under the bus.” “The documents further confirm that Strzok pushed Russia smears of Trump laundered through the Steele dossier. 125
August 15, 2016, Strzok texts Page, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s (McCabe) office-that there no way he (Trump)gets elected-but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk, “It’s like a life insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.” [Note: Strzok was spearheading both the Clinton email inquiry and the Trump-Russian probe and having an affair with Page whose was assigned to Deputy Director Andrew McCabe office.] 126
Strzok-Page text messages, including one from Page that says "potus wants to know everything we're doing." POTUS -- an acronym for President of the United States -- was Barack Obama on Sept. 2, 2016, the date the text was sent from Lisa Page to Peter Strzok. 127
On Nov. 9, 2016, FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page exchanged texts that referred to a “secret society” the day after Trump’s victory. Page texted Strzok saying, “Maybe this should be the first meeting of the Secret Society.”128
Strzok responded to Page saying, “Too hard to explain here. Election related.” The next day, Strzok texted Page saying, “Bill [Priestap, head of FBI Counterintelligence] just sent a two hour invite to talk strategy. 129
December 29, 2016, court filings from Flynn’s attorneys, dated November 1, 2019, alleging that James Baker is “believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Flynn’s December 22, 2016, telephone calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak to Ignatius. 130
Failure of the transfer of Presidential power between outgoing and incoming administrations wherein President Obama directed FBI Comey from informing incoming President Trump that his team members were under investigation by the FBI and the framing of General Flynn for a crime he didn’t commit.
On January 20, 2017, on the day of Trump’s swearing-in as POTUS, Obama’s outgoing National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, sent an email documenting a meeting on January 5. 2017, between President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, former FBI Director Comey, and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates regarding the Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election; in her email, Rice wrote: President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue handled by the Intelligence and Law enforcement communities “by the book.” [Note: Why would President Obama tell Acting AG Yates and the FBI Director, the two officials tasked with ensuring that the Rule of law is not violated, guaranteeing the issue handled by the intelligence and law enforcement communities “by the book,” it insinuates that President Obama knows that the FBI Crossfire Hurricane wasn’t done by the book and is and by itself evidence of knowledge of the FBI investigation and Intelligence efforts against President-elect Trump].
Rice, in her email, stated, The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating, or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective. He reiterated that our law enforcement team proceeded as it normally would by the book. From a national security perspective, however, President Obama said he wants to be sure that as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason, we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia. The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team in the next few weeks. Comey said he would. [Note: The critical statement attributed to President Obama in Rice’s email is “Obama said he wants to be sure that as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason, we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia,” is and by itself evidence of knowledge of the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation of President-elect Trump.] 131
January 5, 2017, the IC leadership, including Clapper, Rogers, Brennan, and Comey, briefed President Obama and his National Security team, including Sally Yates, Ben Rhodes, and Colin Kahl, who represented the Biden team. After this meeting, President Obama asked James Comey and Sally Yates to remain, and according to recently released HPSCI testimony by Sally Yates, she was surprised to learn that President Obama was aware of the Flynn Kislyak phone call and asked them to look into a Logan Act violation. How Yates and DOJ handled that tasking needs to be clarified now, but it is a crucial point of investigative inquiry. It appears Comey used this instruction to initiate the later January 24, 2017, ambush interview of Flynn by agents Strzok and Pientka. 132
On January 4, 2017, the FBI Crossfire Razor team cleared Flynn of counterintelligence suspicions and briefed the FBI leadership. However, Peter Strzok instructed the team to keep the case open. According to Davis and Hemmingway, contrary to claims by Mueller’s office that Flynn had lied about discussing financial sanctions against Russia during post-election phone calls with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak, declassified transcripts of those conversations confirmed that Flynn spoke to Kislyak only about expulsions of Russian diplomats and that the two men never discussed financial sanctions against Russia that the Obama administration had previously levied. Jensen’s review of Flynn’s case file also revealed handwritten notes from the FBI’s top counterintelligence official that admitted a primary goal of the FBI’s anti-Flynn operation was “to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired.” 133
The article noted that despite the overwhelming evidence that Flynn did not lie to agents, the FBI had no legal basis for interviewing him, that the FBI later hid exculpatory documents from Flynn’s defense team, Flynn did not discuss financial sanctions during his phone calls with Kislyak. The FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he lied; the federal trial Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has refused to dismiss the case against Flynn. 134
The entire predicate for the FBI’s Russia claim is that LTG Flynn lied about the content of phone calls he had with the Russian Ambassador, the first of which was on December 20, 2016. Yet, the FBI’s CI and FARA investigation was created on July 31, 2016, five months before the first call. Therefore, the creation of the inquiry could not relate to the phone calls. 135
The so-called FARA allegations were cited in the Crossfire case file as early as August 10, 2016; they could not be related to the Russian calls, which had not even occurred.
Hide the entrapment operations that began in March 2016 against Team Trump by the FBI and CIA and failed to document and disclose exculpatory information that there was no collusion with the Russians by Team Trump. 136
March 21, 2017, in an opinion commentary in the Washington Post, Susan Rice stated: Trump White House’ False Statements’ Undermine National Security. 137
Rice said last week that the British intelligence agency GCHQ took the rare step of debunking as “utterly ridiculous” the Trump administration’s insinuation that Britain spied on Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign. 138
On Monday, FBI Director James B. Comey testified that “I have no information that supports” President Trump’s accusations that his predecessor ordered the “wires tapped” at Trump Tower. These false statements from the White House are part of a disturbing pattern of behavior that poses real and potentially profound dangers to U.S. national security. 139 140
Mifsud was present at the Russian Television dinner in Moscow, and his cell phones, recently obtained by the government, are expected to confirm that he was working for “western intelligence.” 141
Stefan Halper is a known long-time operative for the CIA/FBI. He was paid exorbitant sums by the FBI/CIA/DOD through the Department of Defense Department’s Office of Net Assessment in 2016. His tasks seem to have included slandering Mr. Flynn with accusations of having an affair with a young professor (a British national of Russian descent) Flynn met at an official dinner at Cambridge University when he was head of DIA in 2014. 142
They used the classification system to hide their criminal actions in colluding with a political party.
The Obama administration Justice Department (DOJ & FBI) and Intelligence Community (CIA, DOD, & NSA) used the classification system under the ruse of National Security to hide exculpatory evidence and evidence of crimes and deceive the American public from learning the true origins of how the Trump Russian investigations began. The leadership of the FBI, CIA, and the Obama administration lied to the people that the counter investigation of Trump and his team members resulted from the May 2016 meeting between Australian Ambassador Downer with Papadopoulos and the information in the Steele dossier shows the complicity of those involved.
The belated release of the FBI interview report under a Freedom of Information Act request is likely to raise serious questions among congressional oversight committees about why the information was suppressed in the Mueller report, why the FBI kept it quiet for two years while Trump Jr. was politically pilloried, and why the news media has failed to correct its record of misleading reporting.
“The omission from the Mueller report leaves a distorted picture that has been allowed to persist for more than two years,” a Senate staffer involved in the Russia investigation said because he wasn’t approved to talk to the news media. “We are looking into the circumstances of the editing of that report and why DOJ allowed such investigations and false public narratives to carry on in the face of significant evidence of innocence,” used them to disseminate his talking points.
Obama’s national security director James Clapper played a crucial role in creating the Russian collusion hoax and perpetuating it over the next two years as a CNN contributor. According to a declassified congressional report, “Clapper leaked details of a dossier briefing given to then-President-elect Donald Trump to CNN’s Jake Tapper, lied to Congress about the leak, and was rewarded with a CNN contract a few months later.”
The DNC Steele dossier formed the foundation centerpiece for the Obama administration & DNC disinformation campaign against President Trump. The Obama administration established a pattern of circular media reporting in a coordinated disinformation media campaign. Using the disinformation from the Steele dossier and leaking classified information to selective media outlets, the Obama administration was able to deceive the American public that the Russians favored Trump over Hillary Clinton, resulting in polling that indicated 55% of the people believed Trump was an illegitimate President. 143 144
After the election of Trump, President Obama and members of his administration continued the Conspiratorial agreement by establishing a pattern of activity of working together with others for the common purpose of deceiving the American public by using the DNC disinformation dossier in manufacturing evidence (General Flynn) and promoting a disinformation campaign with selected members of the American media to obstruct and sabotage the Executive Branch of government. 145 146
The Congressional transcripts of former top Obama officials, Clapper, Powers, Rice, Rhoades, and Farkas swore under oath before the House Intelligence Committee acknowledged they had no “empirical evidence of a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia in the 2016 election. Yet for the last four years, these same former Obama administration officials swore under oath that there was no evidence they promoted the Russian collusion hoax. 147
The actions of former CIA Director Brennan, Former FBI Director Comey, and Former DNI Clapper participated in media interviews after Trump’s election promoting the Trump-Russian collusion hoax expressing their disdain and political animus towards President Trump, telling the public that their actions were justified in serving some higher moral purpose in protecting the Obama legacy. Their actions are all overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy to deceive and defraud the U.S. after Trump was elected President to destroy his Presidency. 148
July 19, 2018, Wall Street Journal published an article titled “Brennan and the 2016 Spy Scandal Obama’s CIA director acknowledges egging on the FBI’s probe of Trump and Russia. 149
Steele and other co-conspirators circulated versions of the Steel dossier to various media outlets, U.S. agencies, and U.S. politicians who contacted the FBI. Using circulating reporting from different government sources and Clinton associates gave the appearance that the information was credible. 150 151 152 153 154
The DNC Steele dossier formed the foundation centerpiece for the Hillary-DNC-Obama-Biden-designed conspiracy plan against Candidate Trump and, after the election of President Trump, the continuation of the project. In addition, Hillary Clinton, DNC, and the Obama administration established a pattern of circular media reporting in a coordinated disinformation media campaign. Using manufactured disinformation from the Steele dossier and leaking classified information to selective media outlets, Hillary Clinton, DNC, and the Obama administration were able to deceive the American public that the Russians favored Trump over Hillary Clinton, resulting in polling that indicated 55% of the people believed Trump was an illegitimate President. 155
Former Obama State Department official Jonathan Winer discussed the Steele Report with Clinton operative Sidney Blumenthal— an admission that Blumenthal, a close Clinton friend, knew about the Steele dossier as early as September 2016 (even though Clinton herself denied knowing about it until January 2017). Winer said that during that meeting, Blumenthal gave him notes from a “journalist” he “did not know,” Cody Shearer, that corroborated the salacious allegation in Steele’s Dossier that Trump had hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed. 156
Durham court filings and media reports conveyed the roles of two Democratic party-political operatives called “fixers” who had long ties to the Clintons, Cody Shearer, and Charles Dolan, and the part of the Brooking Institute, a Democratic party think tank. Durham filings told how Shearer and Dolan manufactured disinformation of Trump-Russian collusion and how they conspired with the Brooking Institute in disseminating the false narrative to the State Department, media, and other Federal agencies to defraud and deceive the American public.
August 3, 2020, article in The Federalist by Mollie Hemingway titled “Media Silent as Christopher Steele’ Hero’ ‘Spymaster’ Narrative Crumbles With such shoddy information collection and analysis methods, there was never any reason to give credence to any of the salacious allegations in the Dossier. That didn’t stop corporate media.” Hemingway’s article documented the media disinformation campaign in deceiving the public by lying to the American people. Hemingway stated that the press has a problem. 157
Hemingway noted. It turns out Christopher Steele wasn’t 007. Hemingway stated that for years, the media assured Americans that the Dossier alleging treasonous collusion between Donald Trump and Russia was based on the scrupulous work of a mastermind British ex-spy and his vast network of credible and well-connected sources spread throughout Europe. It wasn’t true. 158
Hemingway noticed Steele did not personally collect any factual information in his reports. The “vast network” was instead a “social circle” of an American-based former Brookings Institute junior staffer, recently identified for the first time as Igor Danchenko. The friends didn’t have well-documented claims so much as rumors, drunken gossip, and outright brainstorming, conjecture, and speculation. Even that information was “multiple layers of hearsay upon hearsay” before it got to Steele, who then hyperbolically overstated it. And the damning claims of “collusion” appear to have been scandalously misattributed or invented out of whole cloth. 159
Hemingway reported that the New York Times’s Adam Goldman won a Pulitzer Prize for his role in pushing the Russia collusion narrative, and his colleague Charlie Savage came up with an inventive framing for how to downplay the latest declassified document revealing in detail that the FBI knew by January 2017 that the Dossier was bunk. 160
Hemingway noted the New York Times played such a pivotal role in advancing the Russia collusion narrative; they buried the explosive news deep in the second half of the lengthy story and instead went with “The F.B.I. Pledged to Keep a Source Anonymous. Trump Allies Aided His Unmasking.” But after breathlessly reporting — day in and day out for years — what they claimed were essential updates buttressing Steele’s collusion narrative, they can’t completely hide the on-the-record revelations showing how the collusion narrative was invented and used to undermine the Trump campaign and administration. 161
Hemingway’s article provided numerous examples of the media disinformation campaign to obstruct the Trump Presidency and influence public opinion, which are listed as follows: 162
Michael Isikoff’s September 23, 2016, Yahoo story framed businessman and veteran Page as a colluding Russian asset. 163
Fusion GPS research and media campaign firm filtered their operation through Mother Jones’ David Corn a month later. Corn described Steele as a “veteran spy. The Mother Jones story was part of an “October surprise” dump of Russia-Trump stories from the Clinton campaign. 164
January 10, 2017, CNN’s Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper, and Carl Bernstein got the Russia collusion hoax going full steam by serving as credulous leak receptacles for “multiple” anonymous “intelligence officials,” the credibility of the spy and his network were vital components of the collusion narrative. 165
CNN told the world of the “classified documents” that include severe allegations that Russian operatives have “compromising personal and financial information” on Trump. The allegations came from a “former British intelligence operative, whose past work US intelligence officials consider credible,” they wrote. They said the information was so legitimate that it was “presented by four of the senior-most US intelligence chiefs — Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan, and NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.” 166
NBC reporters Michele Neubert, Ken Dilanian, Cassandra Vinograd, and Tracy Connor One described Steele as James Bond. “Christopher Steele, Trump Dossier Author, Is a Real-Life James Bond.” Incidentally, Dilanian is nicknamed “Fusion Ken” for his eager and uncritical regurgitation of the false and damaging Russia collusion hoax details by Fusion GPS, the firm hired by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee to run the Russia operation. 167
The Wall Street Journal also pumped-up Steele, who was revealed as the mysterious British mastermind. Quoting Steeles's firm’s marketing material, the paper described his firm’s work as relying on a “global network” of “experts and business leaders” who conduct “complex, often cross-border investigations.” Of the operation that would be done by a man who had elsewhere been described as “desperate” to keep Trump out of office, a colleague was quoted as saying, “We have no political ax to grind.” Steele had a “good reputation in the intelligence world and was stationed in Russia for years,” according to a former CIA official. 168
HSGAC/Finance Chairman Johnson/Chairman Grassley Page 1 of 31 Timeline of Key Events Related to Crossfire Hurricane Investigation (Updated: December 3, 2020) provides a comprehensive chronological list in connecting all the dots and listing the overt acts of the conspiracy to obstruct the executive Branch 169
The recent revelations that the FBI during the 2020 election contacted both Twitter and Facebook. The FBI falsely warned both companies that the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation when available evidence proved that there was an actual laptop computer belonging to Biden's son Hunter. FBI asked that any reports or data of the laptop story should be considered censored. This action resulted in a reputable news agency, the New York Post, story of Hunter Biden's laptop being edited and suppressed from the American public. The effects of both Twitter and Facebook banning the Hunter Biden laptop story at the recommendation of the FBI resulted in the election swinging to Biden over Trump, implicating the FBI in inferencing in a POTUS election which is a violation of the law. 170
Fifty former intelligence experts published a letter a few weeks before the 2020 POTUS election, claiming that the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation when evidence proved and still proves the contrary. These 50 former intelligence officials knowingly and willfully used their former National Security positions and the public trust to deceive the American public. One could arguably say it adversely impacted voters in the 2020 POTUS election by influencing them to vote for Biden over Trump. 171
The next President will still have a pathway to hold those accountable if those in elected office dare to do so. The Statute of Limitations for the Conspiracy doesn’t expire until October 2028.
[NOTE: If Hillary Clinton had been elected as President in 2016, the American public would have never known the extent and scope of how politically corrupted the system had become.]
Here is the question for every American and elected official, how do we move forward as a country in restoring the public trust and faith in the Justice system if there is no accountability for those who organized the most significant sedition coup in American history, the Russian hoax?
Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels turned words into a weapon of mass destruction, “The Big Lie Theory.”
“IF you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the state to use all its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus, by extension, the truth is the state’s greatest enemy.” 172
References and Citations
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White House Coordinating Trump Prosecutions - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
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Top 10 takeaways from Durham report | Just The News
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Brennan and the 2016 Spy Scandal - WSJ
White House Coordinating Trump Prosecutions - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Fani Willis' Prosecutor Meeting White House Counsel Raises Questions (
Unsealed docs expose early collaboration between Archives, Biden White House in Trump prosecution | Just The News
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The Corruption of America Takes a Dangerous Turn | The Gateway Pundit | by Larry Johnson
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How The Obama Administration Set In Motion Its Coup Against Trump (
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Hunter Biden story is Russian disinformation, dozens of former intel officials say - POLITICO
[Note: This analysis was created by a former Retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent John Seaman with over 30 years’ experience conducting complex conspiracy investigations. Seaman is the co-author of an article Taliban Include Heroin Kingpins in Leadership - by Gretchen Peters and John Seaman - SpyTalk and author of Ideology and Political Correctness Trump Reality and reference in article The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban - POLITICOPOLITICO]
Go to Part one than two will put it all in perspective
Prosecute all involved and the corrupt P O S trying to cover it up for TREASON then use their $ to deport all ILLEGALS !!!!! Start at the top !!!!!