This new indictment of former President Trump by Bidens Department of Justice (DOJ) should be the final wake-up call to the American public. Currently, those in charge of the Justice system give the illusion that we have a fair system of Justice when, in reality, the legal system is broken and corrupted. It is not about Trump anymore; it's about hiding the truth from the American people of the criminality of the organizers of the crime of the Century, Hillary, Obama, Biden, and their ilk in the ongoing Russian hoax conspiracy, using the power of the state in criminalizing their political opposition as this indictment is the final overt act of their 2016 conspiratorial agreement to destroy Trump, their political opponents and destroying our constitution.
Margot Cleveland, a renowned legal scholar and analyst, framed the issue well in a series of articles warning the public "A country cannot survive two standards of Justice meted out based on the political preferences of the prosecutors. Yet that is precisely what Americans are witnessing." 1
Cleveland laid out the fact that the former Republican President became the target of a politicized Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) even before he set foot in the Oval Office (Russian Hoax Conspiracy).
Cleveland opined that the entire case resulting in the indictment was a setup. 2
Cleveland explained the origins of how the DOJ investigation began and how the DOJ subverted and perverted the Presidential Records Act, based upon the information from a now retired bureaucrat archivist David S. Ferriero at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), who launched a crusade against the former President over documents.
Cleveland pointed out the double standard as NARA rather than working with Trump to agree upon storing presidential records in a mutually acceptable location, as Ferriero had done with former President Obama, instead, NARA sent a criminal referral to the DOJ upon receiving documents back from Trump that bore classified markings.
Cleveland said NARA hadn't even done that when evidence established that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton violated the equivalent "Federal Records Act." In response to NARA's referral, the DOJ promptly opened an investigation into Trump and used a grand jury to subpoena Trump and others, leading to the raid of Mar-a-Lago.
Cleveland said the DOJ/FBI ignoring Biden's mishandling of documents while focusing on Trump's is wrong, but the public can conjure up artificial distinctions. Biden cooperated; Trump didn't, people claim. Trump misled; Biden didn't.
Cleveland made the critically salient point saying, "There is no getting around the reality that the FBI used its power to protect its favored politician by burying a report that Burisma's founder Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly told a "highly credible" confidential human source he had paid a $5 million bribe to Joe Biden." 3
The American people need to realize how under the direction of Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland's the Department of Justice (DOJ) how the Rule of Law has been subverted and perverted. These comments in the media that the DOJ follows the Law by AG Garland and Special Counsel (SC) Jack Smith is laughable, as illustrated by using a civil statute the Presidential Record Act, in crafting a criminal indictment that Trump comprised National Security and violated the Law.
The irony and hypocrisy of the DOJ indictment of Trump are that it focuses the public attention on how Trump comprised National Security. Let me remind all Americans of the double standard of Justice of how the media, the DOJ, and the FBI ignore allegations of National Security violations by Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and President Biden during their tenure in office. As demonstrated by their actions and roles in the crime of the Century, the Russian hoax conspiracy.
The Biden administration DOJ/FBI is using the same Lavrentiy Beria modus operandi they used in the Russian Hoax conspiracy, "Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime," establishes a pattern of Conspiracy in meeting the objective of the 2016 Russian Hoax conspiratorial agreement in destroying Trump at all costs. This indictment is the final overt act of the Hillary, Obama, Biden, and DNC design plan to destroy Trump by interfering in the 2024 POTUS Election to keep him from running for President.
There actions should put fear in the American public as it's not about Trump anymore. It's about you, the American people, for if the state can violate Trump's due process rights as a former President, then the state can violate your due process rights. As long as these people control the Justice Department, there is no way to restore the Rule of Law. My warning to the public is that after they are done destroying Trump, they're coming after you if you disagree with their RADICAL AGENDA, as illustrated in the arrests of Americans for expressing their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF free speech and right to assemble and suppression of information for the search of the truth.
So, let's remind all Americans by taking a trip down memory lane in proving to those on the left and the public how Hillary Clinton, Presidents Obama and Biden put National Security at risk by their actions:
Hillary Clinton communicated over an unsecured server for four years and had highly classified documents on her unauthorized server. The mere fact that she knowingly conducted official government business over an unsecured private email server while Secretary of State without authorization is evidence in and by itself of her intent to violate the Law.
Hillary Clinton received a Congressional subpoena to retain the records. Instead, she destroyed 33,000 emails and six communication devices, and bleach bit, cleaning her server of all information.
President Obama used an alias to communicate with Clinton over her non-secure, private sever communications system.
While a Senator, Biden took classified documents and stored them in unsecured locations.
Vice President Biden took hundreds of classified documents and kept them in various unsecured locations.
The record gatekeeper for President Biden and when he was Vice President Biden, Kathy Chung, was involved in the 1990s FBI investigation of Chinese government efforts called "China gate investigation." Reportedly, the government-sanctioned Chang for withholding and destroying records.
Chung, at Vice President Biden's direction, allegedly moved boxes containing classified documents in 2017 from the White House to various unsecured private office unsecured locations in Washington, D.C., and Chinatown. Chung entered the Biden orbit through her dealings with Biden's son Hunter. [Note: Chung is the focus of the FBI investigation National Security Investigation of Chinese intelligence gathering operations as a critical person involved on behalf of the Chinese government.] 4
In March 2016, President Obama shut down the CIA unit strategic Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat that had been operating for over 30 years and in August 2016, President Obama ignores warnings by Intelligence Community of increased Russian cyber threats by issuing a stand down order for U.S. Intelligence agencies to stand down in countering the Russians cyber-attacks. President Obama actions put U.S. National Security at risk.5 6 [Note: The DOJ and the FBI told the Country that the Russians had interfered in the 2016 election. Yet actions by President Obama of shutting down U.S. countermeasures go against the Russian interference narrative sold to the public by the media, Senate and Muller reports, Obama and Biden's administrations putting out the "big lie" that the Russians were the responsible party.]
The elephant in room questions that the media ignores are these National Security questions of what did President Obama know and when did he know it regarding the FBI Crossfire Hurricane investigation and Hillary/DNC plan to influence the 2016 election using a DNC disinformation document and why did he allow these investigations to go forward if Obama knew this was a plan by the Clinton campaign & DNC to taint Trump with Russian collusion? 7
In 2009-2010, the Obama administration, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton in an attempt to reboot US Russian relations worked with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-President Dmitri Medvedev, to create U.S. technology partnerships with Moscow's version of Silicon Valley, a sprawling high-tech campus known as Skolkovo.8 9
Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for that speech, according to his wife's financial disclosures from 2010. The State Department had approved the trip just two days after Bill Clinton's office filed its request. 10
The former President's travel to Russia for the speech and potential meetings with Vekselberg and others came as Hillary Clinton's State Department labored to drum up interest in a technology-sharing project, led by Vekselberg, called Skolkovo. Four days after Hillary Clinton met with then-Russian President Dmitri Medvedev in March 2010, Medvedev announced that Vekselberg would head up the Skolkovo project. 11
The U.S. military's leading intelligence think tank in Europe, EUCOM sounded alarmed that the Skolkovo project might be a front for economic and military espionage. FBI sent letters warning several U.S. technologies companies that had become entangled with Skolkovo that they risked possible espionage and "may be a means for the Russian government to access our nation's sensitive or classified research development facilities and dual-use technologies with military and commercial application. 12
Questions the media refuses to ask why Obama and his administration's members put our Country's National Security at risk by ignoring the National Security threats of Russian strategic disinformation and espionage efforts by creating a Moscow version of Silicon Valley empowering and enhancing Russian espionage and cyber espionage capabilities against our Country?
For the SC Smith to tell the public after indicting Trump that they take following the Law seriously of the mishandling of classified information a severe National Security matter, shows the arrogance in establishing a double standard of Justice of how they selectively use the power of the state to go after Biden's likely political opponents for the 2024 election, makes a mockery of our justice system. 13
As a retired Federal Agent with expertise in conspiracy investigations for Federal prosecutions, I have documented how the organizers of this Machiavellian-Russian Hoax designed plan used the lies and fear technique to convince over half the nation that Trump, and his team members colluded with the Russians. The problem for the Country is that the government, media, and Big Tech have been hiding the truth from the public about the conspiracy plan to destroy President Trump. All of this criminality is documented in the prior sub stacks so the American people can read the documents and determine the merit of the information presented.14 15 16 17
The salient critical point of this article is informing the American people that there is a pathway for accountability in restoring the Rule of Law. The American public hold the power in ending the corruption of this two-tier justice system by being part of the solution by voting those who abuse the Law out of office in 2024.
This sub-stack article aims to educate the public that this is about the Rule of Law by informing the people that there is still a viable legal pathway solution to stop the two-tier Justice system and restore the public trust and faith in the Rule of Law.
For this to happen, the American public must see and agree that there is a problem and vote out the current administration. The voters will have the power to determine what course this nation takes. Currently, there no legal recourse in stopping the Biden DOJ lawless actions as long as they control the levers of powers within the DOJ.
By electing a new President and a new AG, they will have the opportunity to conduct a conspiracy investigation to finish SC Durham's efforts. As the last overt acts of this continuing Conspiracy, the two indictments in New York and Florida extends the conspiracy statute of limitations to 2028. A prosecution team beginning from the origins of the 2016 conspiratorial agreement will allow them the time needed in connecting the dots of each overt act with the roles of those involved by obtaining their communications, combined with the evidence already documented by Durham and the Inspector General reports which I believe would provide the conclusive proof needed for successful prosecution of those involved in the Russian Hoax Conspiracy in holding them accountable.
Pursuing a conspiracy investigation would be the proper solution for the Country in restoring the public trust and faith in the Justice system by holding those accountable who organized the most significant sedition coup in American history, the Russian hoax conspiracy.
The Durham reports findings determined there was no evidence of Trump Russian Collusion and that the FBI never had any legal basis to open up its investigations into Trump and his team members.
Durham conducted more of an administrative investigation focusing on the process instead of criminality.
Durham failure to conduct a full-scope conspiracy investigation into the Trump-Russian collusion hoax in solving the crime by answering the 5Ws (Who, What, When, Where Why) and the how questions has left the nation in an objective legal mess. How will those involved in the most significant corruption scandal, the crime of the Century, "The Trump Russian Hoax" conspiracy, ever be held accountable in a court of Law?
The excellent news is that Durham, in his court filings and final report, proved all the elements of the crime of Conspiracy under Title 18 USC 371 the criminal conspiracy statute, to defraud the American public by establishing the conspiratorial agreement that this was a well-designed conspiracy plan to destroy Trump and is continuing today as the statute of limitations is still in play until 2028.
Those in the Rule of Law Community can no longer deny or ignore the corruption within the government and the failure to address this Russian hoax conspiracy if the Rule of Law matters.
[Note: Open-source media reporting, the findings of the Durham report, and conclusions by several Inspectors General confirmed that the government had no evidence of Trump-Russian collusion. The conspirators fabricated the Russian collusion narrative to defraud the American people as part of a well-designed conspiracy plan initiated by Hillary Clinton, DNC approved by Obama and Biden, implicating them in the Conspiracy and that none of the FBI and Mueller investigations into Trump and Team Trump were ever legally predicated.]
Here are the questions that all Americans need to ponder before voting in the 2024 POTUS election:
Does the Rule of Law matter?
Can the Country's Justice system survive another four-year term as Biden as President?
Lastly, how do we move forward and stay together as a country in restoring the public trust and faith in the Justice system if there is no accountability for those who organized the most significant sedition coup in American history, the crime of the Century, the Russian hoax?
Governmental corruption and criminality should be a non-partisan issue, where every American should be concerned about their freedom from the tyranny of the state's ability to criminalize those they disagree with. But unfortunately, if this is the new normal, it will destroy this Country as we know it.
The house republicans, in congressional oversight hearings, have an excellent opportunity to get the answers to these questions the public deserves in a search for the truth so the voters in 2024 POTUS election can determine the direction of the Country.
The fate of this great nation is now in our collective hands! Mine, yours, everyone I know, and all the people you know, all the people they know. Come November 2024, regardless of party affiliation, we, the people, must decide which fork in the road Americans will choose as a nation, freedom or tyranny.
The next President will still have a pathway to hold those accountable in the crime of the Century, if those in elected office dare to do so. The Statute of Limitations for the Conspiracy expires in 2028.
References and Citations
Records Suggest A Bureaucrat Hack's Gripe Spurred Trump Raid (
GAI Report: Hillary Gave Russia Advanced Hacking and Nuclear Capabilities - Jellyfish.NEWS
Hillary Clinton | Washington Examiner
Emails show Clinton ties to Russian oligarch under investigation | Fox News
3) ACCOUNTABILITY - by John Seaman (
[Note: This analysis was created by a former Retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent John Seaman with over 30 years’ experience conducting complex conspiracy investigations. Seaman is the co-author of an article Taliban Include Heroin Kingpins in Leadership - by Gretchen Peters and John Seaman - SpyTalk and author of Ideology and Political Correctness Trump Reality and reference in article The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban - POLITICOPOLITICO]