RULE 12: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." -Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals."
This upcoming Presidential election in 2024 will be the most pivotal since the pre-civil War election of 1860. Ultimately, it will be up to the voters to remove this corrupt Administration and the politicians and bureaucrats who abused the power of the State. Hopefully, the American people are waking up to the reality of how corrupt the justice system and tyrannical the government has become and the threat of losing their freedom.
For the last seven years, the American public has been lied to on an epic scale by "The Deceivers," corrupt government officials within the Obama and Biden administrations, a corrupted main-stream corporate media, the Leadership of the Democratic party, never-Trumpers and those on the Left who purport to be experts in the Rule of Law community in repeating the "Big Lie theory" that Trump Colluded with the Russians as part their goal of turning America into a Socialist state.1
The Big Lie theory's theory fundamental principle is to repeat the Lie repeatedly, as a lie told once remains a lie but told a thousand times becomes the truth. The former head of Nazi propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, defined propaganda best as when those manipulated are confident; they act of their own free will by specifying their targets for hatred. 2
The media, legal experts from law schools, progressive think tanks, and the Obama and Biden administrations all played significant roles in implementing the Big Lie theory by repeating the Lie that Trump colluded with the Russians to deceive the Country by circular reporting in promoting the illusion that the Steele dossier contained evidence of a crime implying that Trump was a traitor. 3
RULE 12: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals," was executed to perfection by the Obama and Biden administrations by stereotyping Trump, his supporters, the MAGA movement, and Republicans' as the targets of their hatred. President Biden's recent comments calling Trump and MAGA Republicans a threat to "the very foundations of America" and Biden's White House conspiring with a complicit corporate mainstream media spreading Nazi-style propaganda that Trump is Hitler to gaslight the public by playing on their emotions. Specifically, they made Trump, his family, and his businesses the focal point of their hatred by repeating these propaganda lies they read or heard from media reporting or Biden and his Administration. 4 5
According to the media lies reporting, if Trump is elected President, he will seek retribution. The actions of Trump during his presidency debunk this Lie as there have been no instances of Trump seeking retribution or instructing the DOJ or the FBI to go after his political opponents; instead, he allowed SC Mueller's investigation to continue by not interfering in the investigation.6
In fact, on the night Trump won the election, the media asked Trump if he would lock up Hillary Clinton, and Trump responded that he had no interest in investigating Hillary Clinton. However, three years out of office, Trump is the main focus of The Left, DNC, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, with a complicit media and the leftists in the Rule of Law Community using Lawfare to keep Trump from running for POTUS in the 2024 election. 7 8
The Trump-Russian hoax is the most remarkable example of how effective this media propaganda technique worked on the American public at the height of the media frenzy of the Hillary/DNC Russian hoax; 93% of all media reports on Trump-Russian Collusion were negative, false, or attributed to anonymous, unverified sources and the media spent 57% of their time promoting the fraud wherein the American public believed Trump or members of his team colluded with the Russians, Trump was a traitor and an illegitimate president that posed a danger democracy. 9 10
Besides using the Big Lie theory, they used various progressive legal experts from law schools and think tanks promoting the infamous Lavrentiy Beria tactic by targeting Trump the man first, then using Lawfare to find or fabricate the Crime. Beria was the longest-serving secret police chief and Deputy Premier under Russian Dictator Joseph Stalin. 11
What is troubling is watching how the American legal system has become corrupted, weaponized, and politicalized by ideologues who were appointed or hired by the Obama and Biden administrations in the National Security Agencies. Specifically, the Department of Justice, FBI, and the CIA are now using the power of the State to turn this Country into a tyrannical state by forsaking their legal ethics and oath of office to uphold the Law and to follow the U.S. Constitution.12
This article is an opinion commentary based on the author’s 30 years of expertise as a Federal Agent conducting complex conspiracy investigations for Federal prosecutors and six years of experience conducting internal affairs investigations of governmental corruption.
To illustrate how the justice system has become corrupted, weaponized, and politicalized by the Prosecutors and Investigators within the Obama and Biden Administrations to go after one's political opponent, we will analyze the Russian Collusion hoax from the prism of a Federal Agent who did this for a living based on the findings of facts in the investigations conducted by Special Counsels Mueller and Durham by comparing the investigative and prosecutions actions or lack thereof in how they either pursued or failed to purse the evidence. 13
Lastly, the information presented is well-sourced based on common sense, logic, and investigative expertise. None of the information presented has been refuted by those on The Left in the Rule of Law community; instead, they ignore the data by their silence.
The information is for the Country's benefit in educating the average American not versed in the Rule of Law for a search for the truth by exposing the corruption and the two-tier justice system so each person, regardless of party affiliation, can determine whether or not the information presented has merit.
After a 22-month investigation at a cost of over 30 million dollars, the Mueller team, compose of 19 partisan Democratic-affiliated lawyers led by Andrew Weisman, the Mueller investigation findings found no evidence that Trump or members of his team colluded with the Russians. 14
The Durham report findings determined that there was no evidence of Trump Russian Collusion, and that the FBI never had any legal basis to open up its investigations into Trump and his team members. 15
Durham, in his report, wrote: "Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation." Crossfire Hurricane is the FBI codename for the investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign."
Let us compare the findings in the Senate and House Oversight Committee. The Mueller and the Durham reports on how Corrupted, Weaponized, and Politicalized the Justice system has become under the Obama and Biden administrations, starting with analyzing how the Steele dossier became the Origins for the Russian Hoax Conspiracy plan:
The FBI lied to the public when the FBI said the origins of their Crossfire Hurricane investigation of Trump began in May 2016 with the meeting between Australian Ambassador Downer and Papadopoulos, because the facts show that the true origins of the Clinton-DNC-Obama-Biden plan started in December 2015 when the British Intelligence Service advised CIA Director Brennan of intercepted conversations of Russian Officials discussing Trump. 16
Nevertheless, these British intelligence intercepts of Russian conversations were classified and reported by the media in numerous articles citing anonymous sources from the intelligence community that verified the intercept information, noting the Steele dossier confirmed that Trump and his team colluded with the Russians. 17
The facts show that the Obama administration, The DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA had been investigating Trump and his team since April 2016, two months before the infamous May 2016 meeting in a bar showing the first Big Lie by a corrupted Obama administration DOJ and FBI. 18
Sources with first-hand knowledge confirmed that in early April 2016, Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos were the targets of both the FBI and CIA, as illustrated by the fact that FBI Headquarters directed the FBI/New York Division to open up a Counter Intelligence (CI) investigation on Carter Page, a CIA asset; and that CIA Director Brennan set up two CI intelligence fusion cells, one at the CIA and the other at the FBI targeting Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos. 19 20
Additionally, the New York Times, in late March 2016, published an article after Trump named Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos as part of his foreign policy team and allegedly, after the article was published, that there was a coordination meeting held at the White House in early April 2016 to discuss Trump's foreign policy team members. The meeting was purportedly organized by Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice and attended by Attorney General Lynch, CIA Director Brennan, James Clapper, and FBI Director Comey. 21
The fact that Hillary Clinton-DNC paid for Steele dossier formed the foundation centerpiece for the Hillary-DNC-Obama-Biden-designed conspiracy plan against Candidate Trump and, after the election of President Trump, the continuation of the Conspiracy project. In addition, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the Obama administration established a pattern of circular media reporting in a coordinated disinformation campaign with the media. Using manufactured disinformation from the Steele dossier and leaking classified information to selective media outlets, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the Obama administration were able to deceive the American public that the Russians favored Trump over Hillary Clinton. 22 23 24
It took Special Counsel Durham's investigation to uncover the Russian connections and identify the role of the sources behind the bogus Steele dossier. Durham findings expose the investigation failures of the FBI Crossfire Hurricane, DOJ Inspector General, Senate, House Intelligence Oversight Committees, and SC Mueller that a suspected Russian spy and a DNC operative were the sources for the Steele dossier. Durham findings found: 25 26 27
Igor Danchenko, a suspected Russian spy for the Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) who worked at a Democratic Think-Tank, the Brooking Institute, was under investigation by the FBI for espionage and was the primary source for the Steele dossier and that the Brooking Institute played a significant role in disseminating the bogus Steele dossier to the public via circular reporting.
Charles Dolan, a long-time political operative for the Democratic National Committee (DNC), was a registered agent for the Russian government and provided Danchenko with the pee tape information that made its way into the dossier and reported throughout the media.
Christopher Steele is a former British spy for MI-6, the British Intelligence Service. The DOJ IG investigation determined that Steele had political animus toward Trump and did not want to see Trump elected as President. Steele had close associations with Russian Oligarchs, specifically with Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, a close associate of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Moreover, since the late 2000s, the DOJ and the FBI were associated with Deripaska, asking for Deripska's assistance in helping the DOJ and the FBI obtain the release of the retired FBI Agent Robert Levinson from the Iranians.
Additionally, the Durham investigation exposed FBI corruption as the FBI made Danchenko a subject of an espionage investigation, a paid informant, and then hid his identity from Congress and the public despite the FBI Source Coordinator saying that Danchenko was probably a Russian double agent. Durham also found that former Deputy FBI Director McCabe restricted the FBI investigations into the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play scheme.
Nevertheless, The FBI, CIA, media, and those on the Left in the Legal Community, despite the mountain of evidence uncovered that the Steele dossier was bogus, continued to promote the Big Lie to this day that Trump colluded with the Russians and that the Russians were a threat to our electoral process, as documented in the Senate and Mueller reports.
If the DOJ. The FBI, SC Mueller, and Senate and House Intelligence Oversight Committee had applied the same investigative standards to President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Biden's actions that they applied to Trump, leaving no stone unturned by failing to investigate the origins of the Russian Hoax conspiracy the Country wouldn't be in this mess.
To this day, no one in the government, including Special Counsels Mueller and Durham, investigated the origins of Hillary Clinton-DNC Obama-Biden's design conspiracy plan to destroy Trump through the lens of a conspiracy investigation in following the evidence to its logical conclusion.
The investigations failed to investigate the allegations of formations of Resistance units that were encouraged by former President Obama and his ilk within the Federal bureaucracy to stifle Trump's policies from being implemented and President Obama's infamous January 5, 2017, meeting at the White House before Obama left office, where the FBI and the Intelligence Agencies instructed to withhold Russian intelligence information from the incoming President that Trump and his team were under investigation for colluding with the Russians. 28 29 30 31 32 33
The biggest investigative and National Security failure is why none of the investigations looked at President Obama's actions of allowing the FBI investigations on Team Trump to go forward when Obama knew this was a scheme by the Clinton campaign and DNC to taint Trump with Russian Collusion to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election and President Obama's decision to shut down the CIA Strategic Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC) unit. The unit was responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat and operating for over 40 years. Lastly, investigate Obama's actions in August 2016 of ignoring the warnings by the U.S. Intelligence Community during the height of increased Russian cyber threats by issuing an order for U.S. Intelligence agencies to stand down in countering Russian cyber-attacks. 34 35 36
The DOJ and the FBI, along with the Senate and oversight committees and the Obama administration, told the Country that the Russians had interfered in the 2016 election and were a threat to the nation.
However, President Obama and his Administration did not believe their political narrative that the Russians were a threat to the nation as Obama's actions of shutting down U.S. countermeasures is contrary to the Russian interference narrative sold to the public by the media, Senate/House Oversight Committees, the Muller report, and the Obama administration.
In July 2021, renowned liberal pundit Glen Greenwald published three articles explaining how President Obama took the foundational tools of the Patriot Act in response to 9-11 to create a weapon for use in Obama's fundamental transformation plan to change America. Greenwald exposes how Obama and his ilk put together an alliance of ideologues within the government (Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Intelligence Community (IC) with the private sector (big tech and finance) was assembled, in the most powerful government weapon using the power of the State in criminalizing political differences ensuring compliance of its citizenry in achieving its goals. 37 38 39
Former CIA analyst John Gentry, in his new book, Neutering the CIA: Why Us Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-term Consequences, discusses how the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agenda has harmed national security by elevating the goals of left-wing identity politics as paramount in the selection and promotion of officers. Gentry stated that CIA Director John Brennan began the corruption of the CIA career service by imposing radical DEI personnel policies in 2013.
Greenwald and Gentry's warnings accurately state how Obama and his Administration weaponized and politicalized the government in predicting the two-tier justice system and corruption within the Federal Bureaucracy.
On April 10, 2016, President Obama, in an interview with Fox News Chris Wallace, President Obama publicly stated that Hillary Clinton had shown "carelessness" in using a private email server to handle classified information. However, Obama insisted that Clinton had not intended to endanger national security. President Obama acknowledged that Hillary Clinton had transmitted classified information via Secretary Clinton's server. It raises the question of what the basis of Obama's knowledge is that Clinton having CI on her server did not endanger National Security.
In his articles for the National Review, former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy publicly pointed out in Obama's April 2016 interview that Hillary Clinton had shown "carelessness" in using a private email server to handle classified information. However, Obama insisted that she had not intended to endanger national security (which is not an element of the [criminal statutes relevant to her email scandal]. 40
In McCarthy's July 5, 2016, article, FBI Director James Comey publicly stated that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in using a private email server to handle classified information. However, he insisted that she had not intended to endanger national security (which is not an element of the relevant criminal statute). The director acknowledged there was classified information on Secretary Clinton's server. However, Comey suggested that, in the greater scheme of things, it was just a tiny percentage of the emails involved.
McCarthy's analysis of Obama's April 2016 comments and Comey's July 2016 comments showed both Obama and Comey used the exact verbiage in absolving Hillary of a crime by Obama as it was Obama who made the decision, not Comey:
Obama made the obvious explicit: He did not want the inevitable Democratic nominee, the candidate he was backing to succeed him, to be indicted and charged with a crime.
McCarthy opined that Obama's remarks (inevitably echoed by Comey) did not mention that an intent to endanger national security was not an element of the criminal offenses and – in classic Obama fashion, Obama was urging her innocence of a strawman crime while dodging any discussion of the crimes she had committed.
McCarthy stated Obama knew at the time – the President himself had communicated with Clinton over her non-secure, private communications system using an alias.
The Obama administration refused to disclose these email exchanges because they undoubtedly involved classified conversations between the President and his secretary of State.
It would not have been possible to prosecute Mrs. Clinton for mishandling classified information without clearly stating that President Obama had engaged in the same conduct. The Administration was never, ever going to allow that to happen.
Prosecutors and investigators ignored evidence and exculpatory information.
The Mueller team and the FBI investigation ignored Hillary Clinton-DNC's Conspiracy plan to interfere in the 2016 election, John Podesta's ties to Russian oligarchs and government officials, Steele's and Bruce Ohr's ties to Oleg Deripaska and other Russian Oligarchs with links to the Russian government.
In the Mueller investigation of Trump, Mueller's team ignored exculpatory information when they learned early on in their investigation in July 2017 that the Trump campaign never showed any interest in Papadopoulos's alleged offer from Mifsud of retrieving Hillary Clinton's missing emails from the Russians nor did they find any evidence that the Trump campaign made any effort in following up with Papadopoulos in pursuing Hillary missing emails. Nevertheless, the Mueller investigation of Trump and his campaign continued at taxpayer expense at a cost of over 30 million dollars, only to find that there was no evidence that Trump and his campaign had colluded with the Russians.
Durham never showed any interest in pursuing a Conspiracy investigation of Hillary. Clinton, DNC, Obama, and Biden ignored evidence of the Conspiracy.
In his report and during the two trials, Special Counsel Durham established a prima facie conspiracy case in meeting all the elements of the Crime of Conspiracy under 18 USC 371 that warranted further investigation.
However, Durham failed to investigate the origins of the Conspiracy and showed no interest in pursuing a conspiracy investigation.
SC Durham's findings never considered the conspiratorial agreement or looked at the overt acts as crimes but dirty political tricks. How Durham arrived at that conclusion when the evidence presented in the investigative analysis says otherwise by ignoring following the investigative leads to their logical conclusions can only be surmised by former AG Bill Barr's comments that the system needed to be protected regardless of how corrupted it had become.
Why Durham failed to look at the Federal Conspiracy Statute 18 USC 371 as the basis for his prosecution theory after his findings established a prima facie case for the Conspiracy is beyond explanation or sound investigative reasoning.
The Russian Hoax conspiracy illustration demonstrates how the Obama and Biden administrations corrupted the justice system and how they used Lawfare to destroy Trump by accusing Trump of crimes he did not commit. As the truth keeps dripping out, the public is slowly learning that if the State can do this to Trump, denying him due process, then the State can deny due process to its citizens.
The actions of the Biden administration using Lawfare is an act of desperation to keep Trump from being elected President to cover up their criminality from the American people knowing the truth and demanding accountability for their roles in the Crime of the Century.
As long as these corrupt people control the Justice Department and the FBI, there is no way to restore the public trust in the Rule of Law or hold them legally accountable for their criminal conduct of subverting the Law to destroy our Constitutional republic.
The question is, how does the country move forward if there is no accountability for the crimes of the century?
In 2025, a new president with a new attorney general will have three years left to finish what Durham failed to do by conducting a conspiracy investigation, by asking and getting answers to the questions the corporate mainstream media refuses to ask, as the Statute of Limitations does not expire until 2028. The last overt acts of this Conspiracy continue to this day. 41
The public deserves the truth on why the National Security Agencies under the Obama and Biden administrations allowed a suspected Russian Spy to become the source for the dossier of the conspiratorial agreement. The next President needs to ask the DOJ to appoint a Special Counsel with a team of financial criminal investigators and Prosecutors to follow the money trail and connect the dots. By looking at the funders, it would identify the various outside groups involved who financed Hillary, DNC, Obama, and Biden's Machiavellian plan to transform America into a socialist state.
Obtaining their financial records and communications, combined with the evidence documented by Durham, Mueller, and the Inspector General's investigations, would provide conclusive proof for the successful prosecution of those involved for their roles in the Crime of the Century, the Russian hoax. Contrary to the lies promoted by the media, a Trump election does not mean retribution, but justice by holding those accountable for the Crime of the Century.
References and Citations
House intel transcripts show top Obama officials had no 'empirical evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion | Fox News
Biden calls Trump and MAGA Republicans a threat to 'the very foundations of America' | CBC News
A second Trump administration will 'come after' people in the media in the courts, an ally says | AP News
Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Clinton Was Just For Show | HuffPost Latest News
How Lawfare Became Biden’s Campaign Strategy | Compact Mag
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative - Washington Examiner
Almost half in new poll still say Trump, Russia colluded | The Hill
How Lawfare Became Biden’s Campaign Strategy | Compact Mag
Farewell, FBI: The bureau I once knew and loved is gone (
Biden Loves 'Democracy' As Long As His Enemies Sit Behind Bars (
CrowdStrikeOut: Mueller’s Own Report Undercuts Its Core Russia-Meddling Claims | RealClearInvestigations
Top 10 takeaways from Durham report | Just The News
New FBI document confirms the Trump campaign was investigated without justification | The Hill
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia | GCHQ | The Guardian
Latest revelations show Team Obama invented RussiaGate scandal (
Larry C. Johnson: John Brennan's Secret CIA Trump Task Force | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
UPDATED: Stephen Somma, The Carter Page FISA, And The NYO (
Donald Trump unveils foreign policy advisers | CNN Politics
Mook’s testimony at Sussmann trial: A surprise for Hillary, or a smart defense strategy? | The Hill
Final Wrap-up series-On the 3 Year Analysis of the Russian Hoax Conspiracy. (
Top 10 takeaways from Durham report | Just The News
How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency (
Insiders: Obama Holdover 'Shadow Government' Plotting to Undermine Trump (
Inspector General Report Proves Obama Was Neck Deep In Russian Hoax – Red Right Daily
US capability to combat foreign deception was shut down, but nobody can explain why - Center for Security Policy Two - The Fourth Branch of Government, The Intelligence Branch/
ACCOUNTABILITY - by John Seaman (
[Note: This analysis was created by a former Retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent John Seaman with over 30 years’ experience conducting complex conspiracy investigations. Seaman is the co-author of an article Taliban Include Heroin Kingpins in Leadership - by Gretchen Peters and John Seaman - SpyTalk and author of Ideology and Political Correctness Trump Reality and reference in article The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban - POLITICOPOLITICO]