Ok, I see Josh Meyer wrote both articles. You were involved in Operation Reciprocity. I don't even know what to say. I'm more outraged and disgusted than I was before. So many dedicated people like you did so much, only to have it shut down and buried somewhere, with no comprehension or consideration of the dangers of doing so, or the cost in lives and money.

I haven't been on substack long but I saw your link in a comment section, and am so glad I did.

I'm just a person who is concerned about what I'm seeing, and trying to make sense out of it. Thanks for sharing your knowledge about this, and I'll do my best to spread awareness.

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Thanks Lilli your the reason why I conducted the investigative analysis after Mueller findings of no Russian collusion in publishing 39 substacks educating you from the prism of a Federal Agent and exposing the corruption on the crime of the century so you and others can see the truth not based lies but on the facts. Thank you for your comments and now you see the threat to our republic.

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This was informative and I like the format as a timeline over each administration. Politico did an in-depth 3-part series on Project Cassandra and how Obama crushed years of exhaustive efforts for the Iran nuclear deal. I was left with a profound sense of disgust and betrayal by DOJ and state department, and respect for those involved in the Project Cassandra task force. I can't recommend it enough (and don't see it in your references). I will try to link part 1:


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FYI Josh Myer was the author for both articles on both DEA narco terrorist investigations that were thwarted by the Obama admin. Operation Reciprocity https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/08/obama-afghanistan-drug-war-taliban-616316

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Lili thank you for pointing it out. project Cassandra along with ref were listed in the this sub stack which came before the article you reference. https://jseaman.substack.com/p/one-year-anniversity-the-afghanistan

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