Why a prosecution of the Crime of the Century the Russian Hoax Conspiracy is still viable
With over 30 years of experience as a Federal Agent and Law Enforcement Professional, I've seen the impact of government actions on The Nation. It's beyond belief to watch the absurdity of this mess, where the Nation is deceived by its government with lies, the justice system implodes, and the tools of the National Security Agencies have been weaponized and politicized by corrupted Obama and Biden administration officials. They're using Lawfare of 'Show me the Man, I will Show you the Crime' to criminalize their political opponents and citizens, all as part of the Hillary-DNC-Obama-Biden Machiavellian plan to retain power and transform America into a socialist utopia by destroying Trump.
Here is the question for every American and elected official: how do we move forward as a country in restoring the public trust and faith in the Justice system if there is no accountability for those who organized the most significant sedition coup in American history, the Obama-Hillary-Biden -DNC Conspiracy to transform America into a Marxist State beginning with the Russian hoax?
[Note: In light of Trump's fabricated Lawfare conviction in a New York State trial on May 30, 2024, this article lays out the legal roadmap for Trump and the public in seeing how a Trump administration can hold all those involved in the Crime of the Century the Russian Hoax Conspiracy under the Conspiracy Statute. It's the only legal avenue to propose a viable plan to restore public trust and faith in our justice system by using the law to stop lawsuits that are destroying the fabric of our justice system. Trump's conviction, according to a majority of legal scholars, will be 100% overturned at the appellate level. The public needs to see the double standard and how they used Lawfare to interfere in our Federal Election system to destroy Trump and that the only way to stop the madness by voting Trump back into office to save the country by restoring the Rule of Law by holding those accountable for their roles in the Crime of the Century. This is also a time for the Supreme Court to step up to the plate and stop this abuse of violating the Constitution rights of Trump using Lawfare by corrupted officials in destroying their political opponent by destroying the Nation's Presidential election system.]
Here is an update to this article reporting additional overt acts proving a pattern of Conspiracy corroborating the 2016 seditious Conspiracy agreement to destroy Trump by interfering in our Electoral process for the Presidency. With each subsequent overt act, whose purpose is to distract from and cover up their crimes from the American public, there is no longer any doubt this was a planned conspiracy using the bogus Russian hoax to the final overt act of the Conspiracy by "Joe Biden's" White House and Department of Justice conspiring with New York County (Manhattan) authorities to maliciously construct and execute a court case made of patently false charges against their principal political adversary, Donald Trump by abusing state and federal law. The conviction of Trump is the final overt act of the Conspiracy, documenting and connecting the dots by showing the commonality of the same group of officials committing more crimes to accomplish their goal of destroying Trump at all costs in furtherance of the Conspiracy. 1
In June 2015, The FBI targeted Donald Trump soon after he announced his presidential campaign by initiating an off-the-books operation ordered by FBI Director James B. Comey that predated the Crossfire Hurricane operation where two unnamed female FBI undercover agents infiltrated Trump's 2016 campaign and directed to act as "honeypots" while traveling with Trump and his campaign. 2
[Note: The FBI has open up and investigation into former FBI Director Comey actions into this Honey Pot operation targeting then Presidential Candidate Trump. This is significant as it goes to the origins of how the Conspiracy began. Comey didn’t do this on his own and hopefully the investigation will identify those in the Obama administration whom Comey had discussions with.] 3
On February 28, 2025, newly appointed Director of the FBI Kash Patel wrote in a post on the social platform X that “A female agent was falsely referenced in the media this week as part of an alleged whistleblower disclosure- she was NOT a honeypot.”
Patel stated “I have reviewed the matter, again, and she did the limited job assigned to her. These actions were also reviewed by Special Counsel John Durham, and he found no evidence of any wrongdoing by her,” the director said. “This agent has dedicated her life to public service, and I will have her back for it.”
Patel unequivocally stated the stories were not true of the former Director Comey running an off-book Honey Pot operation and that it was important for him to set the record straight. 4
In April 2016, Susan Rice, Obama's National Security adviser, FBI Director Comey, James Clapper, NDI, and AG Lynch purportedly met in the White House to discuss the Trump Team appointments of Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos.
On April 1, 2016, FBI Headquarters directed the FBI/New York Division to open a Counterintelligence investigation on Carter Page, knowing that Page was a CIA asset.
In April 2016, CIA Director Brennan set up two Counterintelligence fusion cells, one at the CIA and the other at the FBI, targeting Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos. 5
These revelations corroborate that the Obama administration's FBI and CIA begin investigating Trump and his team members in April 2016, using classified, unverified intercepts of Russian officials from the British Intelligence Service as the basis for their intelligence probes into the Trump campaign in creating the illusion that the Russians were the responsible party.
The FBI lied to the public when they FBI said the origins of their Crossfire Hurricane investigation began in May 2016 with a meeting between Alexander Downer, the Australian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, and George Papadopoulos in a London bar.
Smoking gun documentary evidence of election interference
Renowned reporter John Solomon reported on the contents of an email CIA Director Brennan wherein Morrel asked Brennan if he (Morrel) could facilitate the overthrow of the United States government during the November 3, 2020, Presidential elections. 6
On Mon, Oct 19, 2020, at 9:29 AM Michael Morrel emailed John Brennan. Michae l Morrel wrote: “Can I add your name to this list?
Will l be adding Leon, Sue Gordon, Jeh Johnson, George, Lisa Monaco , and Mike Rogers (DIRNSA) today.
And working on adding Dan Coats, Mike Rogers (HPSCI), and Tom Bossert. And lots of other IC career folk. Trying to give the campaign, particularly during the debate on Thursday, a talking point to push back on Trump on this issue. Thanks. Michael
From: John Brennan Date: Mon, Oct 19, 2020, at 9:47 AM Subject: Re: Letter to Sign To: Michael M Morrel, Brennan wrote “Ok, Michael, add my name to the list. Good initiative. Thanks for asking me to sign on.
This is significant documentary evidence confirming the continuation of the 2016 conspiratorial agreement by interfering in the 2020 Presidential election.
Documentary Evidence of the Biden Influencing Burisma scheme
In 2016, the FBI seized documentary evidence, "The Legal Defense Plan" memo by Boies Schiller & Flexner, during a securities fraud investigation that targeted some of Hunter Biden's business partners, specifically Hunter Biden's business associate Devon Archer.7
The document lays out how Hunter Biden, his business partners, and his fellow lawyers at the Boies Schiller and Flexner law firm influenced the plan by building a pressure campaign in Washington, D.C., from the State Department to Congress to get Ukrainians to drop their criminal pursuit of Burisma after Hunter Biden and Archer were hired to its board of directors.
The memo stated that a primary goal of the plan was to "meet with the U.S. officials in Washington, DC, who are leading U.S. policy related to Ukraine to brief them on who Burisma is, its significance to the future of Ukraine, and the Investigation to seek their advice and assistance; focus on why a legal challenge and/or a taking of Burisma's licenses is detrimental to both U.S. and Ukrainian national interests."
The memo identified Amos Hochstein, a longtime adviser to then Vice-President Biden when he was vice president. At the time, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burima, was under a corruption Investigation by the Ukrainian Prosecutor's Office for paying bribes. Additionally, the Obama-Biden State Department reporting deemed Burisma and its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky, corrupt.
Their influencing plan worked, as Biden, in his official capacity as Vice President, successfully got the Ukrainian President to fire the Prosecutor by threatening to withhold US funds from Ukraine if the Prosecutor wasn't fired.
Additionally, the DOJ and FBI hid and withheld this exculpatory information from Trump's legal team, Congress, and the American people during Trump's first impeachment trial, which resulted in the failed attempt by the Democratically controlled Congress to impeach President Trump on manufactured charges. There would have never been an impeachment trial if this information would have been released.
Five Eyes Intelligence Services Involvement in the Russian Hoax Conspiracy
A report by Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Alex Gutentag alleges how the Obama Administration CIA improperly called on foreign allies from the "Five Eyes Nations" (the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand) to surveil 26 Trump aides as "targets for collection and misinformation."
Shellenberger said there had been a rumor about the binder and speculation that Mar-a-Lago was raided because of information former President Donald Trump may have had on the Crossfire Hurricane. This goes to the crux of the matter: was there foreign election interference by the Five Eyes Intelligence Network in the 2016 POTUS election?8 9
So, let's unpack Shellenberger, Taibbi, and Gutentag's allegations by looking at the origins of how the Five Eyes Intelligence Services conspired with the Obama Administration National Security Agencies in concocting the origins of the Russian Hoax Myth by making the Russians the responsible party to deceive the American public by promoting the Mythical "Big Lie theory" that Trump and his campaign had secret ties to Moscow.
This is the final missing piece of the puzzle in answering the HOW question as to the origins of how the U.S. Intelligence and National Security Community conspired with the Five Eyes Intelligence Services in setting up the perfect false flag operation by creating the myth that Trump had secret ties to Moscow.
These unfounded SIGINT intercepts of Russian Officials became the basis for their intelligence probes into the Trump campaign by creating the illusion that Trump had secret ties to Moscow. Four open-source articles reported the origins of the Five Eyes Intelligence Service involvement, including how, in 2014, the Dutch Intelligence Service had penetrated the Russian Intelligence Service hacking operations and how the NSA had penetrated high-level Russian officials. 10 11 12 13
The Obama Administration National Security Agencies misled the American public by inferring there was evidence of SIGINT intercepts of Russian Officials of Trump colluding with the Russians. It is there, but it's classified. The facts show that the allegations were unfounded and implying so is not evidence; it is hearsay, and like all hearsay, it fails because it cannot be properly examined or verified. It is classic tradecraft used by Intelligence agencies to give the illusion that there are "Ties to Russian Intelligence" using the lies and deception technique, allowing for malefactors like Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and the Mueller team to infer there is fire when there is only smoke.
The next administration needs to find out why the Mueller Team and the FBI ignored Hillary Clinton-DNC's plan to interfere in the 2016 election and why there were no investigations of the associations of the Clintons and their foundation with the Russians regarding the pay-for-play scheme. Investigate John Podesta's ties to Russian oligarchs and government officials, FBI, Steele's and Bruce Ohr's ties to Oleg Deripaska and other Russian Oligarchs with links to the Russian government, and why the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee, SC Mueller and SC Durham team never looked at or investigated the National Security implications.
The least reported and overlooked themes by investigators and the media are the roles, associations, and commonalty of using Russians of Russian descent, creating the Russian Hoax Conspiracy Myth proving a pattern of conspiracy of how the FBI and CIA used Russians Igor Danchenko, Olga Galkina, Dmitri Alperovitch, Oleg Deripaska, Natalia Veselnitskaya, deceased Russian Deputy Attorney General named Saak Albertovich Karapetyan and Maria Butina in implementing their Russian hoax ruse.
Debunking the Myth that Trump and his campaign team had secret ties to the Russians.
Fact Number One: Both SC Mueller's and SC Durham's investigative findings found no evidence that Trump or members of the Trump Team conspired with the Russians, which debunks the media reporting from various Anonymous sources within the National Security agencies who provided the false narrative information that the information in the bogus Steele dossier of Trump communicating and colluding with the Russians had been verified from intercepts of Russian officials. This false reporting contradicts the facts found, and the facts showed the opposite.
Fact Number Two: If there were classified intercepts evidence of Russian officials implicating Trump and his team members conversing with Russians to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election, Special Counsel Mueller would have uncovered the evidence, unclassified the intercepts, and used the information as evidence in charging Trump with a Crime. This never occurred because there was no evidence.
Fact Number Three: The most significant and damning piece of evidence is how they manufactured evidence in the Alfa Bank ruse and inserted it into the bogus Steele dossier that Trump had secret communications with the Russians. The fact that the conspirators went to the extent of manufacturing the Alfa Bank ruse by creating and manipulating cyber tools to give the appearance that Trump was communicating with a Russian bank to deceive the American public in the 2016 election is additional evidence that debunks the false claims put out by our Intelligence Agencies that Trump had secret ties to Moscow.
Fact Number Four: The facts show that the information for the bogus Steele dossier was a Clinton-DNC paid-for disinformation dossier that originated from associates within the Clinton and DNC orbits, not the Russians, as part of their Machiavellian plan of making the Russians the responsible party to hide their criminality in framing Trump and his team for crimes they didn't commit.
Durham, in his findings, proved how the Steele dossier was invented out of whole cloth and consisted almost entirely of rumors, innuendo, and outright falsehoods fabricated by Russian "sources."
Durham, in his findings, described how former Brookings Institution policy analyst Igor Danchenko, a Russian national on Steele's payroll, had been under investigation by the FBI for espionage; Olga Galkina, a Cyprus-based Russian national who was a press secretary to a Russian tech company living in Cyprus; having ambitions of joining the State Department under Hillary Clinton if Hillary won the presidential election; and Democratic National Committee (DNC) operative Charles Dolan who had lengthy ties to the Democratic Party and was a registered agent for the Russian Government.
It took Special Counsel Durham's investigation to uncover the Russian connections and identify the role of the Russian sources behind the bogus Steele dossier. Durham findings expose the failures of the FBI Crossfire Hurricane, DOJ Inspector General, Senate, House Intelligence Oversight Committees, and the Mueller investigations that a suspected Russian spy, a Cyprus-based Russian national who was a press secretary to a Russian tech company and a DNC operative were the sources for the Steele dossier.
Fact Number Five: The Durham report findings determined that there was no evidence of Trump-Russian Collusion and that the FBI never had any legal basis to open up its investigations into Trump and his team members. In his report, Durham wrote: "Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation." Crossfire Hurricane is the FBI codename for the investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign."
Fact Number Six: The Obama administration, the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA had been investigating Trump and his team since April 2016, two months before the infamous May 2016 meeting in a bar showing the first Big Lie by a corrupted Obama administration DOJ and FBI.
Fact Number Seven: The facts show no evidence that the Russians had breached both servers. Only based upon speculation by the initial claims put out by CrowdStrike, the private cyber security company that did the breach investigation into the DNC servers and told the media in June 2016 that the Russians were behind the hack of the DNC, which turned out to be false.
Fact Number Eight: In early April 2016, Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos were the targets of both the FBI and CIA counterintelligence investigations, as illustrated by the fact that FBI Headquarters directed the FBI/New York Division to open up a CI investigation on Carter Page, a CIA asset; that CIA Director Brennan set up two CI intelligence fusion cells, one at the CIA and the other at the FBI targeting Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos and that purportedly there was a meeting in the White House between Rice, Comey, Clapper and Lynch discussing the Trump Team appointments of Page, Manafort, Flynn, and Papadopoulos.
This goes to the heart of the matter, showing the Lie and cover-up by Congress, the Obama administration, the DOJ, and the FBI, where they misled the country in their findings that the Russians had interfered in the 2016 election and were a threat to the nation.
The media, DOJ, the FBI, along with the Democratic members of the Democrat-controlled Senate oversight committees and officials in the prior Obama administration and the Biden administration, continued to repeat the "Big Lie" by telling the Country that Russians had interfered in the 2016 election and were a threat to the nation and that Trump had colluded with the Russians.
The evidence infers that former President Obama and his Administration did not believe their political narrative that the Russians were a threat to the nation, as shown by Obama's actions of shutting down U.S. countermeasures to countering Russian election interference contrary to the Russian interference narrative sold to the public by Intelligence Community, the media, Senate/House Oversight Committees, the Mueller report, and the Obama and Biden administrations. Schinder, in his 2018 article, highlighted President Obama's lethargy in confronting Russian espionage and propaganda efforts and asked Congress to find out why they did so little to defend our democracy from Russian espionage and subversion.
The biggest investigative and National Security failure is why none of the investigations looked at President Obama's actions of allowing the FBI investigations on Team Trump to go forward when Obama knew this was a scheme by the Clinton campaign and DNC to taint Trump with Russian Collusion to interfere in the 2016 POTUS election.
If the Russians were such a threat to our electoral process, as documented in the Senate and Mueller reports, why, in March 2016, did President Obama shut down the CIA unit strategic Foreign Denial and Deception Committee (FDDC)?
The FDDC was the unit responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat, and it had been operating for over 30 years.
Former FDDC officials believe the shutdown of the FDDC was a deliberate effort by the Obama intelligence community leadership to prevent career intelligence officers from mastering how foreign adversaries—mainly Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran—waged denial and deception and from studying how to detect and counter it.
Yet President Obama shut down the FDDC, the unit responsible for countering the Russian disinformation threat, and ignored warnings by the U.S. Intelligence Community by issuing a stand-down order for U.S. intelligence agencies to counter Russian cyber-attacks at the height of increased Russian cyber threats.
President Obama's actions put U.S. National Security at risk. It begs the question of why Obama felt compelled to order an assessment of Russian Interference in the 2016 election, as it's obvious Obama didn't believe that the Russians were a threat to the U.S.
Evidence of a coordinated effort by the Biden White in coordinating the prosecutions of Trump
Margot Cleveland, a respected legal scholar, has connected the dots in her June 3, 2024 article in “The Federalist,” showing the efforts by Biden’s DOJ and the New York County (Manhattan) authorities to maliciously construct and execute a court case made of patently false charges against their principal political adversary, Donald Trump. This was allegedly done by abusing state and federal law, a concerning revelation for the legal and political community.14
These additional overt acts establish a continuation of the 2016 conspiratorial agreement of a pattern of Conspiracy to destroy Trump by Hillary, DNC, Obama, and Biden by interfering in three Presidential elections in 2016, 2020, and 2024.15 16 17 18 19
On April 23, 2024, Sub Stack author Julie Kelly reported that Judge Cannon unredacted key evidence related to SC Smith's classified documents case against former President Trump. Kelly, in her sub-stack article, provided copies of the unredacted documents showing what DOJ/Jack Smith wanted to conceal from the American people as proof of collaboration between the Biden White House and NARA to concoct a case against Trump.20 21
[Note: Here, the stark reality is that neither SC Durham nor SC Mueller ever delved into the origins of the Obama-Hillary-Biden-DNC plan from the perspective of a Conspiracy. Mueller was merely a puppet for the 18 Democratic-controlled members, particularly Andrew Weisman, who had their sights set on Trump. AG Barr shackled SC Durham's investigative scope, and it was clear that Durham would never stand a chance in the District of Colombia, given the corrupt judges, a prejudiced jury pool that predominantly voted Democrat, and the deep-seated animosity towards Trump.
That is why Durham didn't ask the Grand Jury for a conspiracy indictment; he knew no Grand Jury would return an actual bill of indictment. Instead, he was limited to conducting single-focus investigations on Sussmann and Danchenko lying to the FBI, resulting in acquittals. These limitations underscore the need for a more thorough approach.
However, in his investigative findings and court filings, Durham painstakingly established and fulfilled all the elements required for the crime of Conspiracy under 18 USC 371, providing a comprehensive understanding of the situation.
The only path to holding those responsible is through the lens of a genuine conspiracy investigation, starting from the roots and extending to the final overt act. The gravity of the situation necessitates nothing less than a thorough investigation. It's not just a matter of justice, but a vital step towards restoring faith in our political and legal systems.]
There is evidence that this is a continuing conspiracy, so it extends the statute of limitations to 2029, as this would be the last overt act. It would allow a new President and a new Attorney General to restore the public faith in the Justice system by investigating the origins of this seditious coup and holding those legally accountable for their roles in the Crime of the Century, the Russian Hoax Conspiracy.
Here are additional significant events that connect the dots in establishing the pattern of Conspiracy that has surfaced in the public domain since August 2022:
A search warrant in Mar, a Logo in August 202222 23
Release of the Twitter files in December 202224 25
The Indictment of Former President Trump April 2023 26
Michael J. Morell Obama former Acting CIA Director provides stunning evidence that the now-infamous letter from 51 security officials in October 2020 was not an organic intelligence community event but rather a scheme blaming the Russians to help Biden win the 2020 POTUS election. 272829
Breaking News: After a long four years, the Department of Justice has made a significant announcement. They have officially denounced the claims made by the 51 former Intelligence officials and the Biden administration, stating that Hunter’s laptop did not contain Russian disinformation.30
On January 14, 2014, NBC News, Modernity, and Zero Hedge reported on alleged plans by former members of the Obama and Biden Administrations. These plans, if true, would involve a coup to thwart and destroy Trump if he is elected as President in 2024. This is the final overt act in a seditious conspiracy plan by Hillary/Democratic National Committee (DNC)/Obama/Biden, as part of their 2016 conspiratorial agreement to destroy Trump and the Make America Great movement. This revelation is a grave threat to our democratic principles.31 32 33 34
More importantly, these overt acts extend the statute of Limitations for Title 18 United States Code (U.S.C.) 371, Conspiracy to Defraud the Public, through 2029. This is significant because it would allow a new President in 2025 and a new Attorney General (AG) to use the law in conducting a conspiracy investigation to finish what Special Counsel Durham failed to do in following the logical investigative leads to its proper conclusion. Also, in holding those accountable for their roles in the most significant sedition coup in American history, the Russian hoax conspiracy. [Note: Statute of Limitations begins to run once the commission of the last overt act alleged in furtherance of the Conspiracy. In the Russian hoax conspiracy, the Biden White House coordinating the prosecutions of Trump would be the last overt act of the Conspiracy, extending the Conspiracy Statute of Limitations to 2029.] 35
Pursuing a conspiracy investigation would be the proper solution for the country in restoring the public trust and faith in the Justice system by holding those accountable who organized the most significant sedition coup in American history, the Russian hoax conspiracy. Those in the Rule of Law Community can no longer ignore the corruption within the government and failure to address this Russian hoax conspiracy if the Rule of Law matters. [Note: The findings of the Durham report confirmed that the government had no evidence of Trump-Russian collusion; the Russian collusion narrative was fabricated as part of a well-designed conspiracy plan initiated by Hillary Clinton, DNC approved by Obama and Biden implicating them in the Conspiracy and that none of the FBI and Mueller investigations into Trump and Team Trump were legally predicated.]36 37 38
Let us discuss how the left diverted public attention from the conspirators involved in the Russian hoax conspiracy. The tactic of a wordsmith is illustrated by the left calling people “Conspiracy theorists” to marginalize, suppress, and censor people from reporting the facts to the public knowing the truth about the Russian hoax conspiracy.39
On May 5, 2016, The New York Times published an interview with White House foreign-policy adviser Ben Rhodes, titled "The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama Foreign-Policy Guru." in which Rhodes spoke candidly about how he manipulated the media and used them to disseminate his talking points. Rhodes gave the Obama-Iranian deal as an example of how the administration created an echo chamber by using officials within the administration and experts from think tanks, academic communities, and the media. Rhodes said, "They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say." Rhodes boasted how the Obama administration exploited younger journalists, who "literally know nothing," but went on to say the echo chamber was created with the older, experienced journalists, the men and women at the top of their profession whom Rhodes claimed he manipulated for two terms of the Obama administration. Rhodes said all they wanted to have access to President Obama and referred to himself as the "Dean of American Journalism, and they deserve no less. "40
I spent my whole professional life upholding the Rule of Law and am appalled at the lack of outrage and silence among those in the Rule of Law community by ignoring the most prominent Conspiracy to destroy a President, the Russian Hoax conspiracy. So, using my expertise in unraveling complex schemes for Federal prosecutions, let me simplify why the Conspiracy statute is the essential law enforcement and Prosecution tool in dismantling the Russian Hoax conspiracy and how those involved can still be held legally accountable for their criminal actions. [Note: The U.S. recognized that to reach the upper echelons of those who planned, organized, and implemented a secretive and sinister plan for unlawful purposes, it took effective conspiracy laws and the ability to enforce them to counter the threat posed by a well-designed Conspiracy. Illustrated by the enactment of Conspiracy laws such as the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO), the Continuing Criminal Enterprise (CCE), and the Narco-Terrorism statutes enabling law enforcement investigations and Prosecutors to take down organized crime, drug trafficking, and terrorist organizations.]41
The word Conspiracy sounds nefarious and sinister. Conspiracies are plots so secretive and complex that direct evidence of the conspiratorial agreement is sometimes unavailable. As a result, the U.S. Supreme Court has held as a matter of law that the existence of the Conspiracy can be established or inferred from circumstantial evidence.
The Conspiratorial agreement itself does not have to be formal and is legally sufficient to have some concert of action (overt act) in which the parties work together with some standard design and purpose of understanding. A tacit knowledge of the goal is sufficient. Each party to the Russian hoax conspiracy is not required to know the number or identity of all the other conspirators or the details of the Conspiracy,
The bottom line is that all that is necessary is that each conspirator knows that the enterprise has a broader scope for its success and organization than disclosed by each conspirator’s participation in the Conspiracy. Conspiracy, codified in Federal law, is a recognition of a combination of people getting together to commit a specific crime, as illustrated in the Russian hoax conspiracy to interfere in two POTUS elections to deceive the public into destroying former President Trump and those who support him.
Four years of research has resulted in investigative analysis findings that concluded that Special Counsel Durham had met all the criminal statute elements for 18 U.S.C. 371 for a prima facie case in establishing the Conspiratorial agreement to defraud the American public by showing the modus operandi of how the Conspirators manufactured crimes in interfering in two Presidential elections, 2016 and 2020 in obstructing the Trump Presidency. [Note: See references as I answered the 5Ws and the how questions regarding the scope and extent of the Russian Hoax-designed plan in parts one and two in the sub-stack series under the Rule of Law, Corruption, and National Security that are well referenced and cited.] 42 43 44 45
Here, the list of overt acts, which are specific actions that can be clearly observed and proven, continues the conspiratorial agreement of a well-designed Russian Hoax conspiracy. [Note: Each overt act is an act committed by one of the Conspirators and is sufficient to implicate all the other Conspiracy members who joined the Conspiracy. Each overt act may not meet the sufficiency standards of evidence of a crime by itself; however, combined with all the other overt acts, it provides the pattern of Conspiracy in proving the elements of a Criminal Conspiracy.]
Use of Steele dossier to sabotage Trump Presidency 46 47 48 49 50 51
Unmasking of members of Trump team and Campaign officials 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Manufacture of a crime Alfa Bank ruse 64 65 66
Manipulation of the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) 71 72
Framing of Flynn (Infamous January 5, 2017, White House meeting and FBI notes to frame General Flynn or get him to lie)73 74 75
April 2016 events FBI NYFD opens case on Carter Page, Meeting at the White House with Susan Rice and Brennan forming Task Forces to look at members of Team Trump 76
Entrapment of George Papadopoulos by Mifsud 77 78
September 2016 entrapment operation by Halper against Team Trump 79 80
The failure of Mueller’s team to investigate Hillary/DNC plan, Podesta brothers, Steele and Ohr’s involvement with Russian and Ukrainian Oligarchs
First and Second Impeachment Hearings 8182 83 84 85
Updated information: Since January 6, 2021, Nancy Pelosi has spent 3+ years and nearly $20 million creating a narrative to blame Donald Trump. NEW FOOTAGE shows on January 6, Pelosi ADMITTED: "I take responsibility." This admission is significant as it suggests that Pelosi was aware of the potential consequences of the events on January 6. Also, Pelosi, in her own words, admitted they were waiting for Trump to show up at the Capitol, showing why the National Guard wasn't deployed in a timely manner. If Trump had shown up at the Capitol, it would have allowed the DOJ to charge Trump with the same charges as the DOJ used on the thousands of January 6 participants arrested and charged with obstructing an official proceeding. This information was withheld from the public and was exculpatory information and proves the second impeachment of Trump was a sham, illustrating how they manufactured the false narrative that Trump committed a crime by inciting the violence on January 6 when the new evidence shows that January 6 could have been prevented. 86 87
FBI collusion efforts with Big Tech and former Intelligence officials to suppress the Russian Hoax and Hunter Biden laptop from the public learning the truth 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97
[Note: The fact that Tony Blinken, a former Obama official and current Secretary of State for the Biden Administration, was implicated by former Obama CIA Director Morell, Blinken was behind orchestrating the disinformation letter from the 51 Intelligence officials. In a sworn interview, Morell had admitted it was Joe Biden’s presidential campaign that prompted the infamous letter in which Morell and 50 fellow former intelligence officials falsely claimed that material from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The New York Post before the 2020 election was Russian disinformation. This admission by Morrell is a key piece of evidence (overt act) in deceiving the public in furtherance and continuation of the 2016 conspiratorial agreement interfering in the 2020 POTUS Election to destroy Trump.]98
Search warrant Trump’s Mara Logo residence. "What America First Legal has uncovered after months of investigative work paints an unfortunate picture of the rule of law in Washington. A former President of the United States — the most democratically accountable officer under our Constitution — was subject to a politicized referral concocted by the Biden White House that led to an armed FBI raid of his home — where his wife and youngest child live — and is now subject to prosecution,"99 100
Release of the Twitter Files
The Indictment of President Trump 101
President Biden and Hunter Bribery scheme 102 103
The information presented connects the dots, showing how all the dots align in establishing a pattern of a conspiracy organized and implemented by the highest levels of government. It also shows the commonality that some of the same conspirators within the Obama/Biden administration are involved in various overt acts of Conspiracy, underlining the urgent need to address this issue.104 105 106 107 108 109
The information in Durham's and General Flynn Lawyer Sidney Powell's court filings and declassification on Classified Information to date carries significant weight. It has shown the Modus Operandi used by the Conspirators, reinforcing the gravity of the situation.
Manufacture of crimes: Alfa Bank, Russian Collison hoax via Steele Dossier, framing of General Flynn, a deliberate attempt to incriminate an innocent individual, manipulation of the ICA, and a manufactured letter that Hunter Biden's Laptop was Russian disinformation.110 111 112
They conducted a massive disinformation campaign circulating false information in an organized effort with selective media outlets, The Brookings Institution, and leaking from the FBI and Intelligence agencies in promoting the Trump-Russian narrative to deceive and influence the American public that Trump and members of his team colluded with the Russian's insinuating Trump was an illegitimate President.113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
They used the power of the state to censure, suppress and silence free speech from the American public learning the truth about the greatest Criminal Conspiracy in U.S. History, the Russian Hoax Conspiracy 125 126 127
Finally, a question that begs an answer: Why did CIA Director Brennan, in late July 2016, use electronic communication (EC) to direct FBI Comey to initiate four investigations on team Trump members? This was at a time when they were aware that the Steele dossier, which was DNC disinformation provided to Steele from Danchenko via Dolan, was part of a larger plan by Hillary/DNC/Obama/Biden to influence the 2016 POTUS election and tarnish Trump with Russian collusion. 128
In closing, in 2025, a new President with a new AG will have five years left (2029) to conduct a conspiracy investigation in finishing Durham's efforts by beginning from the origins of the conspiratorial agreement in connecting the dots of each overt act with the roles of those involved by obtaining their communications, combined with the evidence already documented by Durham and the Inspector General reports. This, I believe, will provide the conclusive proof needed for successful prosecution of those involved in the Russian Hoax Conspiracy. It's crucial that we hold these individuals accountable, not just for the sake of justice, but to ensure the integrity of our democratic system.
References and Citations
Which Movie Will It Be? - by James Howard Kunstler (
Larry C. Johnson: John Brennan's Secret CIA Trump Task Force | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Law firm that employed Hunter Biden devised secret 58-page plan to help Burisma dodge criminal probe | Just The News
Sources: Intel Agencies Told Foreigners To Spy On Trump's 2016 Campaign (
Brennan and the 2016 Spy Scandal - WSJ
Joe Biden’s Fingerprints Are All Over The Prosecutions Of Trump (
White House Coordinating Trump Prosecutions - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics The American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Fani Willis' Prosecutor Meeting White House Counsel Raises Questions (
Unsealed docs expose early collaboration between Archives, Biden White House in Trump prosecution | Just The News
Thread by @julie_kelly2 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
Twitter Files’ Taibbi and Shellenberger testify before Congress - Deseret News
Michael J. Morell provides stunning evidence that the now-infamous letter from 51 security officials in October 2021 was not an organic intelligence community event but rather a political dirty trick.
“The Laptop is Real”: Justice Department Denounces Claims of Russian Disinformation as a Biden “Conspiracy Theory” – JONATHAN TURLEY
Fears grow that Trump will use the military in ‘dictatorial ways’ if he returns to the White House (
Top 10 takeaways from Durham report | Just The News
The Corruption of America Takes a Dangerous Turn | The Gateway Pundit | by Larry Johnson
“Conspiracy Theorists…Attempting to Discredit the Agency”: The FBI Attacks Critics Objecting to its Role in Twitter’s Censorship System – JONATHAN TURLEY
The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru - The New York Times (
DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia | Fox News media-silent-as-christopher-steele-hero-spymaster-narrative-crumbles
Before Biden laptop letter, ex-CIA boss intervened on Russia collusion in 2016, Benghazi in 2012 | Just The News bombshell-report-obama-admins-police-state-tactics-revealed obama-expands-surveillance-powers-his-way-out fire-dni-james-clapper-he-lied-to-congress-about-nsa-surveillance.htm the-uncovering-mike-rogers-investigation-section-702-fisa-abuse-the-fbi
Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying | The Hill
Sussman Indictment | PDF (
(2) Durham's latest: He has hundreds of e-mails between Fusion GPS and reporters (
Jay Sekulow: "Three" FISA Applications Were Denied in 2016 and What This Means... - The Last Refuge (
Secret Report: How CIA's Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary | RealClearInvestigations
EXPOSING THE "BIG LIE," IN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT (ICA) REPORT-2017- RUSSIA’s INFLUENCE CAMPAIGN TARGETING THE 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION ( russia-and-ukraine-scandals/new-evidence-turned-over-flynn-shows-doj-doubted? utm_source=daily-newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter Baker-Ignatius-prod-1-03564-Flynn-MtC.pdf (
Flynn - Supplement To Motion To Dismiss - April PDF | PDF | Prosecutor | Social Institutions (
Larry C. Johnson: John Brennan's Secret CIA Trump Task Force | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Confirmation - Bill Barr and John Durham Listened to Mifsud Audio-Tape Deposition in Italy... - The Last Refuge (
Reconciling 'Spygate' With The 'Soft Coup' - Five Phases That Explain The Behavior... - The Last Refuge (
Declassified: Stefan Halper Tried to Entrap George Papadopoulos, Bragged About Contacts With Russian Spies – RedState
Trey Gowdy Says He Has Seen Exculpatory Transcripts of FBI Spies Engaged With Papadopoulos... - The Last Refuge (
Trump Impeachment ‘Whistleblower’ Knew Of Biden-Ukraine Affairs (
(2) THE MORTAL STORM - by John Seaman (
Lt. Col. Vindman Admitted Leaking Documents Meant To Help Dems Impeach Trump---Never Served Time, While 21-Yr-Old Jack Teixeira Was Arrested For The Same Crime | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray
THE PELOSI INSURRECTION: New Video Reveals Pelosi Taking Responsibility for Unprotected US Capitol on Jan. 6 - After She Called Off National Guard | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Cheney's Suppressed Evidence Scandal Blows Up 'Insurrection' Narrative (
Hunter Biden story is Russian disinformation, dozens of former intel officials say - POLITICO
The Daily Wire and FBI agent Timothy Thibault hid intel from whistleblower on Hunter, Joe Biden (
BREAKING: Former CIA Officer John Sipher Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election For Joe Biden And Says They Would Do It Again!! - best news here
CORRUPT Antony Blinken Was Behind Gathering 50+ Members of Intel Community to Lie and Sign Bogus Letter on Hunter Laptop Being Russian Disinformation | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
IRS whistleblower alleges cover-up of Hunter Biden tax evasion (
I Found Disgraced FBI Agent Timothy Thibault's Girlfriend's Twitter Account. Is The FBI Planning To Intimidate Hunter Biden Whistleblowers? (
Revelation of secret Obama-era program casts doubt on stated reason for Trump Mar-a-lago raid | Fox News
Bragg Used Biden-Linked Lawyers To Contrive Get-Trump Case (
The Checkered Past of the FBI Cyber Contractor Who 'Spied' on Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila
Danchenko trial: Dem operative admits he lied about source of Manafort, Lewandowski info included in dossier | Fox News
The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election | Time
Why Special Counsel John Durham Subpoenaed The Brookings Institution (
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia | GCHQ | The Guardian
How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency (
Insiders: Obama Holdover 'Shadow Government' Plotting to Undermine Trump (
House intel transcripts show top Obama officials had no 'empirical evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion | Fox News
CORRUPT Antony Blinken Was Behind Gathering 50+ Members of Intel Community to Lie and Sign Bogus Letter on Hunter Laptop Being Russian Disinformation | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
Evidence Of FBI Meddling In 2020 Election Mounts After Zuckerberg’s Hunter Biden Laptop Revelation
[Note: This analysis was created by a former Retired DEA Supervisory Special Agent John Seaman with over 30 years’ experience conducting complex conspiracy investigations. Seaman is the co-author of an article Taliban Include Heroin Kingpins in Leadership - by Gretchen Peters and John Seaman - SpyTalk and author of Ideology and Political Correctness Trump Reality and reference in article The secret story of how America lost the drug war with the Taliban - POLITICOPOLITICO]
Oh my god go take your meds you need help if that causes you to go off the deep end. That what it implies in the article that accountability will only occur if the country elects a new President and has the courage to hold those accountable pointing out there a legal pathway to do so
YES, massive corruption and criminality... BUT...
With our totally corrupt DOJ and FBI... just who is going to bring charges?